Biden got smoked!

I don’t think most people understand how good a 6 handicap is.

That’s someone who can pipe drives on par 4’s to 100 yards and is all over the stick on the approach. Excellent chipper and putter. Basically a complete golfer.

A 6 is routinely shooting low 80’s and occasionally getting to mid to low 70’s. That’s amazing golf.
in the late 80’s I played to a 4-5- the amount of practice I put in to maintain that was a ton- I actually built a driving range in my back yard - then I got promoted and the hours I out in took away from my practice time and I quickly went to a 10- still broke 80 but not everytime and never broke 70 again -
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Absolute body bag here 😂 This is all Trump needs to do in the debates…just stand there confused and say he has no idea what Biden is talking about. Or quote Billy Madison about how we’re all now dumber for having listened to this
This is what I kept telling my wife last night during the debate. Let dummy joe keep talking, he will screw it up on his own like he has been doing for the past 50 years.
Just like a maga, no substance, all insults. Can you name one policy that Trump outperformed Biden on?
ALL of them? The Pant's Shitter is the anti-Christ of all things political. :rolleyes: Trump had the border sealed off as well as the federal courts would allow, Biden undid it. Biden turned the US into a net importer of oil instead of a net exporter. Hiden blessed us with the highest inflation since Carter due to Build Back Broke spending. Hiden's cabinet is a bunch of perverted circus clowns. Hiden's press secretary is no better than Baghdad Bob. 😂

ALL of them? The Pant's Shitter is the anti-Christ of all things political. :rolleyes: Trump had the border sealed off as well as the federal courts would allow, Biden undid it. Biden turned the US into a net importer of oil instead of a net exporter. Hiden blessed us with the highest inflation since Carter due to Build Back Broke spending. Hiden's cabinet is a bunch of perverted circus clowns. Hiden's press secretary is no better than Baghdad Bob. 😂

Not a single policy was given.

0 for 1 (just like Trump against biden)

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