Bias Media here to stay?


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2012
Do you guys think it's realistic for a reporter to not cover a story without a bias spin because of life experience or personal beliefs? The belief is that fair reporting is dead. I think social media ruined non-bias reporting. What do you guys think?
Do you guys think it's realistic for a reporter to not cover a story without a bias spin because of life experience or personal beliefs? The belief is that fair reporting is dead. I think social media ruined non-bias reporting. What do you guys think?
You have an anchor newsperson for one of the big three broadcast networks in Lester Holt of NBC who tells his audience or anybody listening that fairness ( in news reporting) is overrated. So why should any fair minded person watch him.
The ultimate destruction of this country begins with a blatantly one sided media to where millions of people are fed lies or shielded from the truth. We are in that era.
The only thing worse than a biased media is a delusional AF MDFer. A troll with a mission to hoodwink the sheep. Most of us laugh at this fool, fortunately.
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You have an anchor newsperson for one of the big three broadcast networks in Lester Holt of NBC who tells his audience or anybody listening that fairness ( in news reporting) is overrated. So why should any fair minded person watch him.
I saw that. I'm not trying to make this discussion about one side being worse. I'm just focusing on the overall media. I want to believe they can but it's not possible. I truly think it's dead like @BamaFan1137 said. Mainly because money and ratings is too important. Plus a lot of those media people are scared of social media.
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Not all media is biased. Tucker Carlson is as down the middle as they come. He had a very compelling bit of reporting on Fauci's failure to tell the truth about covid:

"They said the first COVID patients were not hungry patrons of the local wet market, reckless diners who gorged themselves on pangolin and bats. No, they weren’t. The first patients were researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Clearly, they’d been infected at work, while working on the virus. If you were trying to understand where COVID came from, and you should be if you want to prevent future pandemics, that State Department in January told you a lot. Yet it was ignored.

In fact on Monday, Tony Fauci himself — the man in charge of our whole response to COVID-19 — told CBS News that he never even heard about the State Department’s findings on the Wuhan lab. He had no idea.

In other words, Fauci’s own employers, the U.S. government, publicly released compelling evidence that the virus that he has devoted his life to fighting, did not come food, but instead escaped from the very bio lab that Tony Fauci has sent American tax dollars to fund. "

I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg, and this is going to be a major story.
I saw that. I'm not trying to make this discussion about one side being worse. I'm just focusing on the overall media. I want to believe they can but it's not possible. I truly think it's dead like @BamaFan1137 said. Mainly because money and ratings is too important. Plus a lot of those media people are scared of social media.

I see some media putting wokeness ahead of profits. That's simply amazing. It's political indoctrination.

And moreover, these people believe that the public at large are rejecting them because the people are stupid...and they feel obligated to smarten us up.

A lot of people are stupid but even stupid people can tell when they're being mislead or when they hear only one side of the story, over and over, without even the pretext of balance.

The "news" used to be a reporting of facts. Yes, there's always been some slant but now news is entertainment and almost all of it is slant.

From the thread that went poof...where I disappointed you...

Fauci was the expert that was supposed to advise the president, and the federal government at large, on how manage this issue.

Trump got hammered for not listening to Fauci more succinctly. I don't get what you don't get.

I'm not a huge Trump fan. Never have been. Often I agreed with his premise but I almost always hated his delivery.

And if you think I'm playing to the crowd here, you should hear what goes through my head sometimes when I read some of the ridiculous things that you guys to my left type. A lot is filtered out in an effort of civility.
I see some media putting wokeness ahead of profits. That's simply amazing. It's political indoctrination.

And moreover, these people believe that the public at large are rejecting them because the people are stupid...and they feel obligated to smarten us up.

A lot of people are stupid but even stupid people can tell when they're being mislead or when they hear only one side of the story, over and over, without even the pretext of balance.

The "news" used to be a reporting of facts. Yes, there's always been some slant but now news is entertainment and almost all of it is slant.
True, great insight. I also believe the wokeness stuff is destroying the media.

From the thread that went poof...where I disappointed you...

Fauci was the expert that was supposed to advise the president, and the federal government at large, on how manage this issue.

Trump got hammered for not listening to Fauci more succinctly. I don't get what you don't get.

I'm not a huge Trump fan. Never have been. Often I agreed with his premise but I almost always hated his delivery.

And if you think I'm playing to the crowd here, you should hear what goes through my head sometimes when I read some of the ridiculous things that you guys to my left type. A lot is filtered out in an effort of civility.
There isn't a person in this world that was 100% correct about Covid. The reason why? It's was a novel virus. There was literally no information on it. I think that's forgotten by some. I feel like some of you expected him to be perfect but there was zero chances of that, considering that it was a novel virus. The left does criticize Fauci failures. They just don't focus on his failures.

@gator1776 is a doctor and talked about how the way they treated patients in March 2020 is completely different than now because we got more information. By your standards, all of those doctors are awful too?

My issue with Fauci is that he talks too damn much like he's the smartest man in the room. He also can't admit that he was wrong. That part drives me insane.

Trump said he didn't listen to Fauci or barely did, so why give Fauci all of the blame?

I would agree that I am sure some of the left views make you want to scream. At the same time, I know some of the extreme right views make you want to scream. Have you ever expressed that part of it? You could have but I don't recall it. I just remember you focus solely on telling people with left views on a topic how wrong they are. Hence, why I think you try to please the majority of crowd.
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There isn't a person in this world that was 100% correct about Covid. The reason why? It's was a novel virus. There was literally no information on it. I think that's forgotten by some. I feel like some of you expected him to be perfect but there was zero chances of that, considering that it was a novel virus. The left does criticize Fauci failures. They just don't focus on his failures.

@gator1776 is a doctor and talked about how the way they treated patients in March 2020 is completely different than now because we got more information. By your standards, all of those doctors are awful too?

My issue with Fauci is that he talks too damn much like he's the smartest man in the room. He also can't admit that he was wrong. That part drives me insane.

Trump said he didn't listen to Fauci or barely did, so why give Fauci all of the blame?

I would agree that I am sure some of the left views make you want to scream. At the same time, I know some of the extreme right views make you want to scream. Have you ever expressed that part of it? You could have but I don't recall it. I just remember you focus solely on telling people with left views on a topic how wrong they are. Hence, why I think you try to please the majority of crowd.

Again, Fauci wasn't simply a doctor. He was preeminently more qualified than the average doctor not just in his field, but in his specific career in his field. So yea...Fauci has earned more ridicule than @gator1776 .

I've had real debate with people on this board who share my overall political beliefs. Specifically I've debated them on the George Floyd trial but there have been other topics.

Why don't I challenge them more? Well clearly, even though we aren't lockstep, I agree with them more closely than I do you for example.

And some threads, if I disagree with everyone, I just don't bother to read...or if there's no point being made.
Also, I fault Fauci because he clearly allowed his politics to override his advice re: science.

F that guy...seriously, he has done harm with his bullshit. I'm much less likely to trust someone in his position moving forward...and I'm betting I'm probably more level headed on the subject than many others.
Again, Fauci wasn't simply a doctor. He was preeminently more qualified than the average doctor not just in his field, but in his specific career in his field. So yea...Fauci has earned more ridicule than @gator1776 .

I've had real debate with people on this board who share my overall political beliefs. Specifically I've debated them on the George Floyd trial but there have been other topics.

Why don't I challenge them more? Well clearly, even though we aren't lockstep, I agree with them more closely than I do you for example.

And some threads, if I disagree with everyone, I just don't bother to read...or if there's no point being made.
Fair enough. I'm not defending Fauci, I'm just say nobody was going to perfect on covid. It's a novel virus. To expect him to be perfect, was always setting yourself up for disappointment. There really wasn't enough information.

You're a cop. You know how important having information is. Fauci and Trump for that matter were only going by what China was telling them and we learned that China was lying to them. Early on they both were put in situations to fail.

You definitely are right leaning but I have this feeling about you and that you definitely don't agree with the Trump stuff that they post regularly. Little comments you have made, makes me believe that. At the end of the day, you're a good discussion person.
Also, I fault Fauci because he clearly allowed his politics to override his advice re: science.

F that guy...seriously, he has done harm with his bullshit. I'm much less likely to trust someone in his position moving forward...and I'm betting I'm probably more level headed on the subject than many others.
Fauci was never the political type. He's been working with president since 1984. That's from Reagan through Biden. Plenty of democrats and Republicans. He only became political to people under Trump. Something isn't adding up. Literally nobody complained about him or wanted him gone until Trump. Either he hated Trump or Trump people hated him because Trump hated him. I don't think he's political, I just think him and Trump didn't get along. You don't survive that long, under that many president if you're political.
Fair enough. I'm not defending Fauci, I'm just say nobody was going to perfect on covid. It's a novel virus. To expect him to be perfect, was always setting yourself up for disappointment. There really wasn't enough information.

You're a cop. You know how important having information is. Fauci and Trump for that matter were only going by what China was telling them and we learned that China was lying to them. Early on they both were put in situations to fail.

You definitely are right leaning but I have this feeling about you and that you definitely don't agree with the Trump stuff that they post regularly. Little comments you have made, makes me believe that. At the end of the day, you're a good discussion person.
And if we find out it wasn't a Novel virus to fauci?
And if we find out it wasn't a Novel virus to fauci?
I am assuming there is some right wing conspiracy theory that I'm not privilege to. Are they saying he knew about it? Or personally created it himself? I'm sure it's one of them.
I see some media putting wokeness ahead of profits. That's simply amazing. It's political indoctrination.

And moreover, these people believe that the public at large are rejecting them because the people are stupid...and they feel obligated to smarten us up.

A lot of people are stupid but even stupid people can tell when they're being mislead or when they hear only one side of the story, over and over, without even the pretext of balance.

The "news" used to be a reporting of facts. Yes, there's always been some slant but now news is entertainment and almost all of it is slant.
Fauci was never the political type. He's been working with president since 1984. That's from Reagan through Biden. Plenty of democrats and Republicans. He only became political to people under Trump. Something isn't adding up. Literally nobody complained about him or wanted him gone until Trump. Either he hated Trump or Trump people hated him because Trump hated him. I don't think he's political, I just think him and Trump didn't get along. You don't survive that long, under that many president if you're political.
Does Fauci giving an early pass to the WHO have anything to do with politics? Of course it does. Most of the world knew the WHO was a puppet of China, but Fauci would not criticize. The WHO told the world there was no person to person transmission. What a whopper that turned out to be.

Fauci also gave no credence a year ago even to the possibility that the Wuhan virus came out of a lab as all the other Trump hating media did the same. I guess he's changed his mind now that Trump's gone. Trying to compare Fauci's relationship to Trump vs his relationship with other presidents is about as apples and oranges as you can get. No president has ever been more hated by main stream media than Trump and their coverage showed it.
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There isn't a person in this world that was 100% correct about Covid. The reason why? It's was a novel virus. There was literally no information on it. I think that's forgotten by some. I feel like some of you expected him to be perfect but there was zero chances of that, considering that it was a novel virus. The left does criticize Fauci failures. They just don't focus on his failures.

@gator1776 is a doctor and talked about how the way they treated patients in March 2020 is completely different than now because we got more information. By your standards, all of those doctors are awful too?

My issue with Fauci is that he talks too damn much like he's the smartest man in the room. He also can't admit that he was wrong. That part drives me insane.

Trump said he didn't listen to Fauci or barely did, so why give Fauci all of the blame?

I would agree that I am sure some of the left views make you want to scream. At the same time, I know some of the extreme right views make you want to scream. Have you ever expressed that part of it? You could have but I don't recall it. I just remember you focus solely on telling people with left views on a topic how wrong they are. Hence, why I think you try to please the majority of crowd.
I don't know how many people feel that Fauci had to be perfect as you feel some do. Nobody can be that. What I did expect was that he would be HONEST. I do not feel he was close to that.
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Again, Fauci wasn't simply a doctor. He was preeminently more qualified than the average doctor not just in his field, but in his specific career in his field. So yea...Fauci has earned more ridicule than @gator1776 .

I've had real debate with people on this board who share my overall political beliefs. Specifically I've debated them on the George Floyd trial but there have been other topics.

Why don't I challenge them more? Well clearly, even though we aren't lockstep, I agree with them more closely than I do you for example.

And some threads, if I disagree with everyone, I just don't bother to read...or if there's no point being made.
Wait wait wait, back up for second second

How have I “earned” ridicule when it comes to Covid?

Ridicule is an ugly word. Lol

Did I “earn” it from the year of spending hours every day at the bedside of these patients trying to get them better or did I earn it from writing something that Ended up being incredibly accurate regarding coronavirus?

By the way I’m far more of an expert on the treatment of pulmonary viral infections and the subsequent ARDS then Fauci could ever dream of being. He’s not a bedside doctor, I am. I am the director of a critical care program at A 500 bed hospital. I’m board-certified in five fields. At the bedside Fauci would hold my clipboard for me.


@BamaFan1137 ;)
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Wait wait wait, back up for second second

However I “earned” ridicule when it comes to Covid?

Ridicule is an ugly word. Lol

earn it from the year of spending hours every day at the bedside of these patients trying to get them better or did I earn it from writing something that Ended up being incredibly accurate regarding coronavirus?

By the way I’m far more of an expert on the treatment of pulmonary viral infections and the subsequent ARDS then Fauci could ever dream of being. He’s not a bedside doctor, I am. I am the director of a critical care program at A 500 bed hospital. I’m board-certified in five fields. At the bedside Fauci would hold my clipboard for me.


@BamaFan1137 ;)
I never said that you should be ridicule. I just remember you giving examples of things learned from 20 to now and how that has contributed to less deaths. To me, that was a perfect example of learning from the novel virus.
Does Fauci giving an early pass to the WHO have anything to do with politics? Of course it does. Most of the world knew the WHO was a puppet of China, but Fauci would not criticize. The WHO told the world there was no person to person transmission. What a whopper that turned out to be.

Fauci also gave no credence a year ago even to the possibility that the Wuhan virus came out of a lab as all the other Trump hating media did the same. I guess he's changed his mind now that Trump's gone. Trying to compare Fauci's relationship to Trump vs his relationship with other presidents is about as apples and oranges as you can get. No president has ever been more hated by main stream media than Trump and their coverage showed it.
You said it too. Trump was a unicorn. So saying he's political because of his dealing with one president is a stretch to me.

He just sucked and made mistakes. He wasn't the man for the job and needs to retire. I don't think any of that is political. As I said before, being bad at your job, doesn't need to be political.
You said it too. Trump was a unicorn. So saying he's political because of his dealing with one president is a stretch to me.

He just sucked and made mistakes. He wasn't the man for the job and needs to retire. I don't think any of that is political. As I said before, being bad at your job, doesn't need to be political.
So you don't think failing to criticize the WHO is political? That's a stretch to me. How do I know and how do you know that he wasn't being political with other presidents? No president was covered like Trump and from day one, the WH press corp was trying to drive a wedge between Trump and Fauci. So it is not a stretch to say the coverage of the Trump-Fauci relationship was far different than the Fauci coverage with other presidents. Did you not watch the daily press conferences?
You have an anchor newsperson for one of the big three broadcast networks in Lester Holt of NBC who tells his audience or anybody listening that fairness ( in news reporting) is overrated. So why should any fair minded person watch him.
My wife started watching him. It's only slightly better than ABC News, which she use to watch.
So you don't think failing to criticize the WHO is political? That's a stretch to me. How do I know and how do you know that he wasn't being political with other presidents? No president was covered like Trump and from day one, the WH press corp was trying to drive a wedge between Trump and Fauci. So it is not a stretch to say the coverage of the Trump-Fauci relationship was far different than the Fauci coverage with other presidents. Did you not watch the daily press conferences?
He was praised by President as far back as Reagan. Its documented. You are on to something about the media driving a wedge. As far as WHO, that's more intentional diplomat stuff. That's not a political thing here.
So Trump supporters are wrong about Fauci, he's a great guy, that's why Presidents all the way back to Reagan have worked with him.

Huh. Seems like a perfect chance to investigate and prove Trump and his supporters were dead wrong about Fauci then.

But for some reason, the 'let's move on...' card is being played.

Because @kalimgoodman is scared to death of what we will find if we keep digging into this story.

We're about to find out why...
I'm just say nobody was going to perfect on covid. It's a novel virus. To expect him to be perfect, was always setting yourself up for disappointment. There reall

Literally no one has said he should have been perfect.

You keep saying that you aren't defending him but when you keep repeating that "he couldn't have been perfect on a novel virus" it sounds a lot like you're defending him

Perfect wasn't the standard...and yet he still fell FAR short of the standard. He's a freaking liar and a con-man...and he has breached the public trust. F that guy.

You're a cop. You know how important having information is. Fauci and Trump for that matter were only going by what China was telling them and we learned that China was lying to them. Early on they both were put in situations to fail.

Correct, I'm a cop...and a businessman and father. I know what the truth is and I know what a lie is. I also know that a half-truth is a whole lie. Fauci knew he was lying. He knew he was being dishonest. We know that now beyond a shadow of doubt.

Of course China lied. How stunning would it be if they hadn't?
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You definitely are right leaning but I have this feeling about you and that you definitely don't agree with the Trump stuff that they post regularly. Little comments you have made, makes me believe that. At the end of the day, you're a good discussion person.

There are things that I liked about Trump and there were things I hated about Trump. Some of it gets pretty complicated. For example...

I mostly hated his Twitter crap and his general crassness but I loved that he hated political correctness. Sort of damned if you do, damned if you don't. Political correctness is damaging the country that I love...but being a dick for the sake of being a dick isn't helpful either. I choose to be more strategic.
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Fauci was never the political type. He's been working with president since 1984. That's from Reagan through Biden. Plenty of democrats and Republicans. He only became political to people under Trump. Something isn't adding up. Literally nobody complained about him or wanted him gone until Trump. Either he hated Trump or Trump people hated him because Trump hated him. I don't think he's political, I just think him and Trump didn't get along. You don't survive that long, under that many president if you're political.

Could not disagree more vehemently. Fauci is entirely political.

You don't survive in his role as long as he has unless you are political.
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Does Fauci giving an early pass to the WHO have anything to do with politics? Of course it does. Most of the world knew the WHO was a puppet of China, but Fauci would not criticize. The WHO told the world there was no person to person transmission. What a whopper that turned out to be.

Fauci also gave no credence a year ago even to the possibility that the Wuhan virus came out of a lab as all the other Trump hating media did the same. I guess he's changed his mind now that Trump's gone. Trying to compare Fauci's relationship to Trump vs his relationship with other presidents is about as apples and oranges as you can get. No president has ever been more hated by main stream media than Trump and their coverage showed it.

Fauci is uber political. That's not even seriously up for debate.
Wait wait wait, back up for second second

How have I “earned” ridicule when it comes to Covid?

Ridicule is an ugly word. Lol

Did I “earn” it from the year of spending hours every day at the bedside of these patients trying to get them better or did I earn it from writing something that Ended up being incredibly accurate regarding coronavirus?

By the way I’m far more of an expert on the treatment of pulmonary viral infections and the subsequent ARDS then Fauci could ever dream of being. He’s not a bedside doctor, I am. I am the director of a critical care program at A 500 bed hospital. I’m board-certified in five fields. At the bedside Fauci would hold my clipboard for me.


@BamaFan1137 ;)

Poor choice of words on my part. I was attempting to say that Fauci has earned his ridicule. In context, based on the post i was responding to, my comment made more sense but agree, I could have used more succinct language.

I truly appreciate the work you and others like you have done. I also appreciate you taking the time to explain it in layman's terms, to the best of your ability, on this board.
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Poor choice of words on my part. I was attempting to say that Fauci has earned his ridicule. In context, based on the post i was responding to, my comment made more sense but agree, I could have used more succinct language.

I truly appreciate the work you and others like you have done. I also appreciate you taking the time to explain it in layman's terms, to the best of your ability, on this board.
I know you didn’t mean it that way, I laughed pretty hard, but couldn’t resist a good reply.
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If my wife asks, it would be great if you guys lied for me and told her that I said "husband" as well.

Yes @BSC911 that's a lie...but does it fully count if it's for self-preservation?
Yes ma’am that’s correct Mrs. @BamaFan1137
Your husband said he was a cop, businessman, father, and that is on the prowl for a young trophy wife.

I got you six buddy
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