BONG used to resort to this when facts started flying as well. Keep his memory alive, MJ.
p.s. From 1992-1999 UF played 46 ranked teams. During that same time, FSU also played 46 ranked teams. "Charmin soft."
Perhaps. I won't check your numbers. But if you are anything like some other FSU fans, you sometimes count ranked teams as their ranking when you played them, at other times you count ranked teams as their final ranking. And some of your fans do that to gain maximum benefit for FSU. I am not saying you are doing this, but it does happen quite a bit
But let's say you are right. Are all ranked teams created equal? When a team pays a bunch of 15 to 25 ranked teams, is that the same thing as playing a bunch of top ten teams? Plus, what about depth of competition? Both conferences have some bottom feeders. But what about the middle of the pack in both conferences? Are those teams equal? That also makes a difference. I will argue that top to bottom in nay given year, it would be very unusual for the ACC to be tougher than the SEC. Not saying it won't happen once in awhile, but it is the exception rather than the rule
I say again. FSU played in a Charmin Soft Conference and by in large played a Charmin Soft Schedule. FSU only had to get up for one, two or maximum three games a year; Florida, Miami and the bowl games.` And none of the above teams were in the ACC for a majority of those years.
Most years, every other team in the ACC over that time period were mediocre to pathetic. So, playing in the ACC gave FSU a distinct advantage, record wise. Your own coach even said this. More than once.
Why do I say this?
Let's look at the record of ACC teams to SEC teams from 1992 to now.
Over that time period, the ACC and the SEC have met right around 233 times. Probably less, as the list I have includes Miami, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, VaTech and Louisville the whole time, and excludes Maryland. I'll let you make that adjustment if you think it helps your case. I don't think it will. In fact, just glancing at the numbers, I think it hurts your case, but maybe not a whole lot.
Anyway, using the above assumptions, the record across 233 games is 127 wins by the SEC and 105 wins by the ACC. And one tie.
And since you are so keen on Sagarin, I am pretty sure you are aware that he ranks the SEC higher than the ACC most years.
So, we can conclude that the SEC was tougher and remains tougher. You guys benefited from that. At least until the NC game.