Are we really living in America?

Cancel culture won't terminate the 100's or 1000's of Lone wolves that democrats have birthed! And now another Impeachment hearing tomorrow after 4 years of Trump hate? Unimaginable violence unseen in American history ahead..sadly!

They were birthed by a combination of innate mental illness, a misplaced sense of entitlement, self righteousness (confused with patriotism), and persecution, and years of consuming intentionally misleading and distorted disinformation designed to exploit these traits.
Viking man, AKA 'head of QAnon' posed for a photo within the capitol with his two buddies; The head of Maryland skinheads, and the leader of the National Socialists.

Same three have been spotted at blm and antifa riots over the summer.

But it fools the sheep, which was the main goal.
So, you’re okay with Lindsey Graham repeatedly denouncing Trump, only to become his lapdog a few weeks later. Then after years of being Trump’s biggest apologist in the Senate, he abruptly bails on Trump to escape the fallout of a situation that Graham himself contributed to?

I’m not. I don’t trust guys like Graham. Brennan is saying that Graham (and other prominent Trump enablers) shouldn’t just slither away without acknowledging his role in this as he denounces Trump’s excesses.

I can't force you to recognize the danger here. You want to see it so therefore it's ok.

Good luck with that.
Your statement, in a vacuum, I agree with.

However, I think what Brennan is saying is, if you supported Trump and still do, ok. If you never supported Trump and still don't, ok.

Even, if you kinda wishy washy half supported him and now don't, ok.

But if you were riding his dick for 4 years, everything he said was gold, and you explained away any of the crazy stuff (or even doubled down on it) up until Jan 6, don't come out 3 days later and be all "I never REALLY supported him" and think it's all good. It's not all good.

Those things are settled by elections. If the people he represents feel like he should be punished, they will punish him.

And that is where it should end. Everything else is dangerous and entirely un-American.
They were birthed by a combination of innate mental illness, a misplaced sense of entitlement, self righteousness (confused with patriotism), and persecution, and years of consuming intentionally misleading and distorted disinformation designed to exploit these traits.

I could make a fantastic case that "a misplaced sense of entitlement, self righteousness (confused with patriotism), and persecution, and years of consuming intentionally misleading and distorted disinformation designed to exploit these traits" are exactly what is driving Brennan's thoughts on this.
I could make a fantastic case that "a misplaced sense of entitlement, self righteousness (confused with patriotism), and persecution, and years of consuming intentionally misleading and distorted disinformation designed to exploit these traits" are exactly what is driving Brennan's thoughts on this.
Brennon? He's a damn commie towel headed communist. If there is any karma in the world, another spook will remove him from circulation.
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Viking man, AKA 'head of QAnon' posed for a photo within the capitol with his two buddies; The head of Maryland skinheads, and the leader of the National Socialists.

Same three have been spotted at blm and antifa riots over the summer.

But it fools the sheep, which was the main goal.

Update on Viking Man: He claims he is now starving himself because the jail that's holding him refuses to indulge his request for an all-organic diet.

As we all know, all Trump supporters are big into the all-organic diets.
Funny. I keep seeing this show up after my posts.

Rowdy Reptile

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Give your fingertips a break. Whatever you’re writing, you may as well be writing it to Santa.
Funny. I keep seeing this show up after my posts.

Rowdy Reptile

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Give your fingertips a break. Whatever you’re writing, you may as well be writing it to Santa.

nah. I will keep on. Ignoring folks is silly, its How folks become IGNORant.

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