I don't have time to bicker with your arrogant ignorant mindlessness, you don't know as much as you think you know, especially about stuff like this, any person that thinks pot and sedatives are dangerous is a person that can't be connected with to even carry an actual conversation, you are a 56k modem to broadband minds and believe me, we all notice it, and then you get defensive for a reason, that's how fools react to being questioned or corrected, and more importantly being wrong, which you never know when to admit you just don't know as much as you think or what you're talking about, reading webmd and articles doesn't make you a doctor or any smarter than people that have experience with studying medicine or have actually taken the meds to help ailments in life, you just need to know when to stop talking if you aren't indeed actually trolling everyone on this board with this gibberish, childish, selfish nonsense as you come off as.. and the "pothead community" just so happens to have some of the most prosperous long living wise humans in the world, because it's a God herb and connects you with everything and opens your mind and heals your body, mind and soul.. Anyone that has used the herb, knows this. Clearly you don't and are truly speaking out of your ass.. And yes, millions know that Anti depressants cause awful mind problems and why they have been labeled, "mass suicide" pills.. They are awful for people and do not balance the brain the way they say they are supposed to do properly, prozac and those anti-depressants have dreadful, awful and evil results for millions.. I've personally witnessed many older family members get bad off from them compared to whatever they thought their depression and misery was before. Those drugs are actually dangerous.. A sedative such as Valium, a very mild one of the benzo family and very easing and effective, works and... like marijuana, the last thing it makes human beings is violent. Don't allow your mind to be controlled by bullshit if you haven't experienced it for yourself, you have whether you know it or not at some point of before or after any surgery or even a common flu/cold type symptoms.. Be better than that and use your brain more wisely, and stop the useless anger trying to prove a point for no reason...
I just had a family member pass a few short hours ago, I've got far more important things on my mind to worry about and others on here that care for me and don't argue just to be an asshole.. To the rest of my Gator brothers on here, please say a prayer for me and my family, rough night. Enjoy your life fam