Alligators pulling for the SEC @ the final 4.

He once challenged someone to a fight, said he'd meet them anywhere. That person then accepted and told him he was coming to his town the next day.

Ask sleepy what happened next.

He challenged somebody to a fight on an anonymous message board? That's just pathetic to get so upset over text from a faceless entity.

I also love how he gets so upset over assertions about Pearl cheating , then he makes assertions about Florida's dirty laundry . Classic little man syndrome, he knows Auburn basketball has no history or prestige and instead of enjoying the great season they had with his Tiger pals, he parks himself on our message board.

If you polled people on here how they felt about Auburn athletics , you would get meh answers . We dislike Kentucky in basketball, we dislike Georgia, Tennesse and Florida State in everything. We respect and aim to take down Alabama football. We don't talk about Auburn in the good or bad most of the time. They are like Arkansas to us, just with a better football program.
So your own fan base knows you are full of crap and you love to act like a tough guy over the internet . I guarantee you wouldn't talk like this in person, you are a punk kid who spends his days inciting foolish crap online. Go back and watch your captain underpants, you idiot. You aren't even an entertaining troll.

Auburn has great fans, too bad we have the village idiot on here.
All this information comes from Bobbie or ghost as he is known on here. A guy who is hated by every single Auburn fan he comes in contact with.

The next Auburn fan who spent more than three seconds around him and didn't completely hate his guts would be the first. I guarantee I would get a much friendlier welcome by most Auburn fans than he would , and I don't even care about being liked by internet dorks. It is comical how several of the fags on here are so triggered and butthurt by my posts that they believe everything that fool says
Yep, more examples of how FailHoun makes friends and influences people

What kind of people are desperate to be liked by the dorks of the internet? Oh yeah, a loser that has no friends in real life like you.

I am sure you show all of your internet likes to your mom as evidence that someone somewhere actuallly likes you.

It might be a dork and it might be over the internet, but someone out there somewhere in the universe really does like you
All this information comes from Bobbie or ghost as he is known on here. A guy who is hated by every single Auburn fan he comes in contact with.

The next Auburn fan who spent more than three seconds around him and didn't completely hate his guts would be the first. I guarantee I would get a much friendlier welcome by most Auburn fans than he would , and I don't even care about being liked by internet dorks. It is comical how several of the fags on here are so triggered and butthurt by my posts that they believe everything that fool says

Funny thing is, there's an actual Auburn grad here, and we get along just fine. In fact, that Auburn grad is one of the most popular posters here and I've made no bones about the fact that he's my favorite poster here.

Then there's you.
He challenged somebody to a fight on an anonymous message board? That's just pathetic to get so upset over text from a faceless entity.

I also love how he gets so upset over assertions about Pearl cheating , then he makes assertions about Florida's dirty laundry . Classic little man syndrome, he knows Auburn basketball has no history or prestige and instead of enjoying the great season they had with his Tiger pals, he parks himself on our message board.

If you polled people on here how they felt about Auburn athletics , you would get meh answers . We dislike Kentucky in basketball, we dislike Georgia, Tennesse and Florida State in everything. We respect and aim to take down Alabama football. We don't talk about Auburn in the good or bad most of the time. They are like Arkansas to us, just with a better football program.
Oh yeah, as far as me not saying this stuff in real life, I bet the phuck I would considering anything and everything I have said was in response to the losers, idiots, and hypocrites on this board making derogatory statements about Aunurn first.

I bet you wouldn't do anything about me saying this stuff in real life except cry like a bitch. Kind of like you have done on this board.
Funny thing is, there's an actual Auburn grad here, and we get along just fine. In fact, that Auburn grad is one of the most popular posters here and I've made no bones about the fact that he's my favorite poster here.

Then there's you.
says all anybody needs to know that the one alleged Auburn fan who doesn't completely hate your guts is a weirdo who claims to have graduated from Auburn but is more of a Florida sports fan
What kind of people are desperate to be liked by the dorks of the internet? Oh yeah, a loser that has no friends in real life like you.

I am sure you show all of your internet likes to your mom as evidence that someone somewhere actuallly likes you.

It might be a dork and it might be over the internet, but someone out there somewhere in the universe really does like you

LoL; You always get your panties tied up in a wad with my comments; what a damaged little sleepy petunia you are......
Oh yeah, as far as me not saying this stuff in real life, I bet the phuck I would considering anything and everything I have said was in response to the losers, idiots, and hypocrites on this board making derogatory statements about Aunurn first.

I bet you wouldn't do anything about me saying this stuff in real life except cry like a bitch. Kind of like you have done on this board.

I don't talk crap and challenge text to fights. I especially don't go on other boards and act like a jackoff. I bet you are real tough, there is no sense in writing what you would do to me or what I would do to you. We won't ever meet, you wouldn't come into a Gainsville sports bar filled with Gators fans and talk crap.
All this information comes from Bobbie or ghost as he is known on here. A guy who is hated by every single Auburn fan he comes in contact with.

The next Auburn fan who spent more than three seconds around him and didn't completely hate his guts would be the first. I guarantee I would get a much friendlier welcome by most Auburn fans than he would , and I don't even care about being liked by internet dorks. It is comical how several of the fags on here are so triggered and butthurt by my posts that they believe everything that fool says

The fact that you started a thread about Billy Donovan running a dirty program shows how desperate and thin skinned you are about a cheat like Bruce Pearl has been fired for cheating and/or misconduct off the court. You are parked on a Gator board, not a Tiger board. Ghost hasn't been spouting off bullcrap like a punk kid hiding behind anonymity. You are despised by your own fans , I can believe that. Thanks for confirming your troll status. Bye clown.
There was ONE Kent State fan posting on the board, and he was VERY proud of famous Kent State alumnus......Nick Saban.

As you can guess, ohsfan had a complete meltdown over it, started dog-cussing him and the guy went to the mods and had the entire board nuked and all the chit posters like ohsfan and his ilk were band.

As I said...he's special.
Now tell them you were one of those “shit” posters and followed the rest around until you were uninvited to Canada
Oh yeah, as far as me not saying this stuff in real life, I bet the phuck I would considering anything and everything I have said was in response to the losers, idiots, and hypocrites on this board making derogatory statements about Aunurn first.

I bet you wouldn't do anything about me saying this stuff in real life except cry like a bitch. Kind of like you have done on this board.
Careful. There might be an SP on this board, too.
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I have already covered this several times you retarded ****. I am here to mock and laugh at the Florida dipshits who are outraged about Bruce Pearl being a cheater, or are outraged about anybody being a cheater considering to the filth Florida has in their own closet

If you want outrage you are in the wrong place. If you came to see us laugh at your POS school, that we can provide.
This is very true. Ghost should post more here about sports and less about Trump in the lounge. Politics are a waste of time, Ghost.

BTW, everyhing I've been telling you that would happen in regards to Trump is becoming public.

I know some of you read the Lounge sometimes. Might want to check in and see what's new. Cliff's Notes - The show has begun.
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