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And by the way…Mullen is being kind and gracious in saying that he was “fired.” He told Stricklin to go fvck himself…that is the truth….
Mullen got mad at Stricklin and so quit working. Choosing to lay down on the job and walk away with millions of dollars he didn't earn. So what about his commitment to his players and his commitment to the University of Florida, alumni and fans? Sometimes an employee, which Dan Mullen was, has to do things they don't want to do or agree with. They suck it up and do what they're told and try to make the best of it. A person with integrity and class doesn't just quit on everyone who depends on them, especially when they're working under a contract. I have ZERO respect for the man.
It was parent weekend this weekend in Oxford so spent I alot of time at the Campus today and in the Grove. Watched the Florida game in the student center and damn what an ugly win for us. Was sitting beside 2 older gentlemen maybe 60's early 70's. Any ways even though I was dressed in Ole Miss clothes I let them know I was a Florida fan. We got to talking about Kiffen and would he dare leave for Florida and one of the gentlemen told me he was a major booster for Ole Miss and he said Lane will NOT be leaving because of money. Him and his other booster friends have already told the Ole Miss AD that they will match or chip in on whatever financial offer Florida makes.
It was parent weekend this weekend in Oxford so spent I alot of time at the Campus today and in the Grove. Watched the Florida game in the student center and damn what an ugly win for us. Was sitting beside 2 older gentlemen maybe 60's early 70's. Any ways even though I was dressed in Ole Miss clothes I let them know I was a Florida fan. We got to talking about Kiffen and would he dare leave for Florida and one of the gentlemen told me he was a major booster for Ole Miss and he said Lane will NOT be leaving because of money. Him and his other booster friends have already told the Ole Miss AD that they will match or chip in on whatever financial offer Florida makes.

Yep if he leaves it will be because he doesn't think he can win a championship there. If he won the SEC this year or like 2 playoff games we are probably out of luck for sure. He knows it's no big deal to have off years at Ole Miss also.
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Yep if he leaves it will be because he doesn't think he can win a championship there. If he won the SEC this year or like 2 playoff games we are probably out of luck for sure. He knows it's no big deal to have off years at Ole Miss also.
Da Kiffin might be holding his cards close to him to go to Bama in a couple of years. He's been there before. I'd be happy to have him but with this train wreck of an athletic department I'm not holding my breath. I would love to have a private conversation with the ole Visor, I'll bet he knows what's what deep in the inner workings of the machine.

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