ABC releases debate rules

They WILL give Kum Allah the questions....and the answers. She needs someone to give her the answers, because she is dumber than a red brick. This is why they never let her open her mouth(Haaa haaa) unless it is scripted as to what she says. ANYONE who votes for this is INSANELY stupid
That's basically about as good as Trump could have wished for since Kamala showed her cowardice and declined a scheduled debate on FOX News Sept. 4th. Now if he can keep from falling for Kamala and the ABC debate moderators' baited quips and comments, that's the thing. Stay calm yet forceful, stick to the points, ignore the quips. And fck ABC, I guarantee you Kamala already has the debate questions as I post this. And face it if Kamala just finishes the debate standing on two feet regardless of the flip flops, outright lies and word salads the MSM will proclaim her the greatest debater since Melvin Tolson haha.
All we can do is hope that AlreadyBeenChewed network will actually follow what a surprising CNN did( I was actually shocked that CNN was as close to fair as I have seen them ever be)
All we can do is hope that AlreadyBeenChewed network will actually follow what a surprising CNN did( I was actually shocked that CNN was as close to fair as I have seen them ever be)
Unfortunately, CNN was in on the plan to make FJB step down. It was obvious that everyone involved(other than FJB himself) knew what would happen in that environment, and did what they did purposely. This will be the EXACT opposite.

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