I didn't use to believe in what I called "psychobabble" as a teenager and very young adult. As a child of divorced parents my mom made me see a counselor because she thought I was affected. Mostly I just brushed off the guy, my younger sister had to see him, but my older one didn't. Beside the point. I had a grandmother that suffered schizophrenia and the cure for her when she was initially diagnosed in her late 30s was electric shock therapy. Then they just medicated her into submission to control her tantrums.
Now as I sit in my early thirties and having seen guys suffer from PTSD after serving in Kuwait, and having a couple girlfriends go through panic attacks , I firmly believe in mental issues. They can cause hardships, poor decisions, and alter your life. My niece who is almost 18 just told me she was sexually assaulted prior to age 10. The perpetrator was her former adopted older stepbrother. He himself had been sexually molested before being adopted. Now she has severe anxiety and attends school online.
How many excuses can we make? How healthy is it to shelter and excuse the poor behaviour of former victims? Because in my eyes the cycle of abuse continues as long as we absolve bad behavior on account of past trauma. There comes a point where we all know what is right, what is wrong. If we excuse victim 5 of all their bad actions because of their abuse , we are creating victims 6,7 and 8. Support them yes, but don't give them free passes.