A vote for joey is a vote for your own destruction

And here's a new addition to the list of those needing to be ghosted.
Give them zero support for anything that they are involved with in the future.
It's time to turn the CANCEL BS around on them, giving them a solid dose of their own nasty medicine....

How snowflakes can defend this treasonous POS defies logic.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000 ...
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Putting Pedo-Crackhead Hunter on trial for PERJURY on a federal form is nothing but throwing a bone to the many citizens that are calling for treason charges against him as an 'unlicensed foreign agent' money bag middleman for the Biden Crime Syndicate imo.

Same was done for Bill with the Monica BS Impeachment, instead of the Hillbillire's Crime Syndicate with their selling Los Alamo's nuclear secrets to the Chinese Communists. That worked so well that later on the SoS Hillary was able to
sell about 25% of the America's uranium to the Russian Communists, imo....
Putting Pedo-Crackhead Hunter on trial for PERJURY on a federal form is nothing but throwing a bone to the many citizens that are calling for treason charges against him as an 'unlicensed foreign agent' money bag middleman for the Biden Crime Syndicate imo.

Same was done for Bill with the Monica BS Impeachment, instead of the Hillbillire's Crime Syndicate with their selling Los Alamo's nuclear secrets to the Chinese Communists. That worked so well that later on the SoS Hillary was able to
sell about 25% of the America's uranium to the Russian Communists, imo....
Yep. The Pant's Shitter in Chief will give him a full pardon anyway, in Jan 2025 before his demented Pedo ass is kicked to the curb. Even so, it needs to be done, along with the rest of the charges headed Hunter's way. The fish rots from the head.
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18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000 ...
So how did Jane Fond, John Kerry, Joan Baez and ither lefties miss this prosecution? And now how does FJB and family not be charged? Someone explain what they got paid multi millions from Russia, China Ukraine and other enemies? What did they sell? When you have that answer...the correct charge would be treason.
She is one of the most hated libs here where I live. We are very heavily populated by retired military, many having fought in Vietnam. Most urinals have her pasted inside of it for target practice. I despise her.
Most Vet organizations (AmVet-VFW-Foreign Legion-etc) have those target stickers in their urinals, and i always make sure that I hit the target.... I have also personally boycotted anything she was involved in since that time.

However, it's time to move on imoho,,, and replace Hanoi Jane with a Homicide Hillary urinal stickers....
Or maybe they should make a conjoined twins dual-target sticker to include both of them??? 😉
Most Vet organizations (AmVet-VFW-Foreign Legion-etc) have those target stickers in their urinals, and i always make sure that I hit the target.... I have also personally boycotted anything she was involved in since that time.

However, it's time to move on imoho,,, and ADD Homicide Hillary urinal stickers....
Or maybe they should make a conjoined twins dual-target sticker to include both of them??? 😉