26% of Gen Z applicants bring parent to job interview per survey. Wow!


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
A lot of parents who thought they were helping their kids through life in bubble wrap didn't help them but crippled them.
A lot of parents who thought they were helping their kids through life in bubble wrap didn't help them but crippled them.
My wife and I routinely ridicule this type of behavior by parents, knowing full well the outcome.

My wife's best friend is your typical helicopter mom and her youngest daughter who she has done everything for to date is going to start med school this summer. We are hopeful that she can function on her own. But not certain ...
Helicopter parents. One of my friends treated ther daughters this way their whole childhood. When she finally got out of the house, she got pregnant immediately. You have to teach kids responsibility, and hovering over them is not the way.
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Had I had a potential candidate for a mgmt position show up with a parent I woiuld have politely assigned the parent a seat away from where we were sitting

however, if tit was an hourly employee I would have welcomed them to sit in with the directive that they could sit but were not allowed to interject
I could see it if there is some sort of extenuating circumstance such as child has a health or communication challenge or something like that. But I have a bigger problem with a healthy functioning individual especially if I am trying to guage social interaction as a part of the interview and a part of the job.
Sheltering your kids almost always backfires and usually manifests in what I refer to is diametrically opposite rebellion.

My folks are pacificsts, anti gun, and generally anti fun and they were surprised when after successfully using their values to get me into college on full scholarship I partied my literal ass off, dropped out and joined a cult of heavily tattooed drunken gun toting fornicators that kill people and break things for the government.
A lot of parents who thought they were helping their kids through life in bubble wrap didn't help them but crippled them.
That's really the story of the boomers. We just wanted to protect our kids from unhappiness.
From someone that grew up in an age where mostly only one parent worked, families today need 2 full incomes which leaves a guilt factor among parents, and they fear disciplining their children after being away from them so much.
Sheltering your kids almost always backfires and usually manifests in what I refer to is diametrically opposite rebellion.

My folks are pacificsts, anti gun, and generally anti fun and they were surprised when after successfully using their values to get me into college on full scholarship I partied my literal ass off, dropped out and joined a cult of heavily tattooed drunken gun toting fornicators that kill people and break things for the government.
And worst of all, you love you a good rare ribeye steak. 😂
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We have about a dozen interns this summer and several fresh out of college new hires (for some reason most are female).

I’ve had a chance to meet with about half of them and I was super impressed. I’ve also only heard good things from my coworkers about them.

This generation isn’t a total loss. And the good ones will make a killing if 25% of the competition can’t even interview.
That's really the story of the boomers. We just wanted to protect our kids from unhappiness.
Fresh out of college kids now would have to have parents that gave birth in their mid to late 30’s at the earliest.

I’m thinking most of these kids are the products of Gen X parents. Maybe older millennials?
My wife was giving my 19 yo son a hard time the other day, she said, you need to make sure before you go on your next interview to shave and comb your hair and wear slacks and a nice shirt with a tie. He looks at her and said, Mom, they hired a girl with tats al over her arms and pink hair, I seriously doubt the not shaving or combing my hair mattered.
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