Seriously though.........
**** ‘em, they are dumb enough to believe it I’m not dumb enough to sit here and argue about it over and over again. There’s only so many times you can point out that the VAERS is a self reporting system that requires no verification of what you report. I could go on there today and claim that my father died in 1981 from a Covid vaccine and it would record it.
I have no doubt that there are several people with either ill intentions to feed the hysteria, or just because I think it’s funny, that are reporting adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine just to screw with everybody. Remember VAERS Requires no proof for verification for the report.
I love you guys but some of these people on here make up their mind about some thing and then scour the Internet to find anything to back them up and probably don’t even read the article.
there was nothing I could ever say that was going to convince them to take the vaccine or do anything they don’t want to and I’m perfectly fine with that. Is there life. I don’t care if they take it or not.
I can tell you once again that, while the article is factually correct, the cause-and-effect they imply has zero evidence and in reality it is a factitious article designed to stir up fear, get clicks, and further feed a hysteria around coronavirus and the vaccine that they are using to control us in a glorious mind**** on both sides.
The short version is the article is bullshit based off of bullshit. As my professor used to say about research, garbage in equals garbage out. But if these guys don’t wanna take the vaccine and want to try and convince other people not to take the vaccine because they have some paranoid delusional hysterical thought process, well, it’s America, is there right, so ****’em and good luck.