Whups...Jan 6th hearings are imploding LOL

If you think they are stealing elections, don't you think something should be done? Are the states in question ever going to do it on their own?
I know exactly what should be done.

In Arizona, the governor's race saw the Secretary of State (who is in charge of the election), being allowed to RUN for Governor, and she got to OVERSEE the same election she was running for.

Ironically, she was doing exactly what you have proposed as the solution to the election mess: She had oversight of the election she was in.

We discussed this in depth here on the board, but you had nothing to say. I suspect you didn't care about that race cause Kari Lake was a proud Trump supporter and you probably didn't care if they stole an election from her.

What should be done is SoS in the states causing the issues should be removed and replaced with people who want election integrity.

That requires voters to get off their porches and get involved in the process.

Or they can keep rocking and ask government to fix the problem. Because that always works.
I just asked a simple question. Would you leave Biden alone with your kids?

Then we can go from there
Have I actually said anything that led you to believe I have any respect at all for Biden?

Just because I correctly recognize Trump as a toxic jackass doesn't mean I like Biden.
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Have I actually said anything that led you to believe I have any respect at all for Biden?

Just because I correctly recognize Trump as a toxic jackass doesn't mean I like Biden.
No you haven’t sir. That wasn’t the point. So, back to the question. Would you leave him alone with your kiddos?
Have I actually said anything that led you to believe I have any respect at all for Biden?

Just because I correctly recognize Trump as a toxic jackass doesn't mean I like Biden.
You are thinking emotionally about this issue rather than logically. Anyone thinking logically about this issue understands that if you give the federal government more control over state elections, that it opens the door for corruption and incompetence.

Maybe this will help you understand the folly of your approach. If we had adopted your stance in 2000 and put the government in charge of state elections, these guys would have been overseeing the elections and would have the final call on them. Per your wishes:

George W Bush
Barrack Hussein Obama
Donald J Trump
Joseph Robbinette Biden

You've already admitted you don't/didn't like any of these guys, but here you want them to be put in charge.

Emotional thinking vs logical thinking. Libs fall for emotional thinking every time.. Jess Sayin'.
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Kevin Costner says it's 'OK' if people don't like him for his politics
Mon, November 14, 2022 at 1:33 PM·5 min read

Costner told the Daily Beast in 2020, "I'm an Independent. I vote for who I think has the best interests of the country and how we sit in the world." He went on to say that when he was identified as a Republican actor in the 1980s and early '90s, he didn't bother to clarify his stance. "I just didn't even answer back," he said. "I think it was because of the movies I was doing," including Dances With Wolves, "but I never said one thing or another. I really go back and forth on my votes. The Democratic Party doesn't represent everything that I think, and neither does the Republican Party right now — at all. So, I find it too limiting."

The same year, he told Variety, he was voting Biden, after Buttigieg dropped out, because he was most hopeful he could be "a president for both sides." While he didn't name Trump outright, he said, "The idea of racism and of violence… we all have to be able to look at that go, 'Enough. That's enough.'" He added, "It's pretty clear every four years we get a chance to kind of look at where we are as a country and decide if we’re going the right way and if we’re not, we have that opportunity to make a shift."

When Trump was running against Hillary Clinton in 2016, Costner said he didn't find the presidential election as "entertaining" as others did. “I find it embarrassing. I find it highly immature. I think America is really teetering at a low point with the way we talk to each other… Where are our big ideas? There's dialogue right now that's shameful."

However, he's never hidden from his conservative roots. In an interview with Huffington Post in 2008, he was asked about being a registered Republican until the 1996 election, which is when he changed hi registration to Independent and mostly voted Democrat after that.

"I'm not a Republican," he said. "I basically was raised in a house that was a Republican house. My politics came out my kitchen table, listening to my parents. I thought the people that protested against the Vietnam war were unpatriotic because my brother was fighting over in Vietnam. I was only 14 years old. As I got time and distance I realized it was just a difference of opinion and their opinion wasn't necessarily wrong. As a person evolves they begin to have their own voice and their own way of thinking. I wasn'y ahead of my time."
This is THE FUNNIEST post have a RINO posting about a "REAL" man?? LOLOLOLOLOL First of all..a LIB has NO CLUE what being a REAL man is, unless you have a VERY GOOD conservative male friend. Secondly..let me let you in on a little something....Costner is ONLY famous for PRETENDING to be someone else! LOLOLOL He plays MAKE BELIEVE!!!!! LOLOLOL I am SO GLAD I copied this post so that you cannot delete it in shame!
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You guys do realize that Biden isn't the forever president, right?

We change presidents every 4, or at least 8, years.

Of course, if we continue to allow half the nation to dilly dally with the count, who knows.
I find it VERY questionable that you refuse (many times) to answer the question about leaving your kids with FJB! What are you afraid of Theo?
This is THE FUNNIEST post have a RINO posting about a "REAL" man?? LOLOLOLOLOL First of all..a LIB has NO CLUE what being a REAL man is, unless you have a VERY GOOD conservative male friend. Secondly..let me let you in on a little something....Costner is ONLY famous for PRETENDING to be someone else! LOLOLOL He plays MAKE BELIEVE!!!!! LOLOLOL I am SO GLAD I copied this post so that you cannot delete it in shame!
In real life, Costner would have gotten his ass kicked easily by the fat dude in The Bodyguard movie. It pissed me off watching him shoot the dude(in his face) who played Quintus in Gladiator.
You guys do realize that Biden isn't the forever president, right?
We change presidents every 4, or at least 8, years.
Of course, if we continue to allow half the nation to dilly dally with the count, who knows.
Don't disagree with a single thing here. The problem we face is that once the damage is done to our economy, our federal tax code, a growing underclass who will never have incentive to get off government doles.....the die is cast going forward. It's hard to walk back previous sins. You know this, you've lived long enough to have seen it. We've had an entire generation of poorly educated and parented children. I had an argument in comments section this week with a twit that didn't know what "Cheney got primaried" meant. 😂
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I find it VERY questionable that you refuse (many times) to answer the question about leaving your kids with FJB! What are you afraid of Theo?
This is the very first time I have jumped into this thread. What is your infatuation with kids? One thing I do know is I certainly wouldn't leave them with you!
His 'logic' is, if you don't worship at Trump's feet, you must like Biden.
I mean you voted for Carter. Biden is Carter Deluxe. So…..

Pubs are gonna get wooped in 24. Why? The rinos want to move the party towards the center. Hello 2008. Hello 2012. Bye Bye 2024.
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I mean you voted for Carter. Biden is Carter Deluxe. So…..

Pubs are gonna get wooped in 24. Why? The rinos want to move the party towards the center. Hello 2008. Hello 2012. Bye Bye 2024.
Carter was a smart and decent guy. He just wasn't up to the task of president.
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Carter was a smart and decent guy. He just wasn't up to the task of president.
And neither is Pedo Peter. But hey, meanie tweets and words are more important than kicking ass and working for the people.

I would much prefer a polished politician that speaks well, you know, is disciplined in front of the camera, but banging my wife and kids behind closed doors without me knowing it. (Metaphorically speaking).

Can’t wait for more of that. 😉
And neither is Pedo Peter. But hey, meanie tweets and words are more important than kicking ass and working for the people.

I would much prefer a polished politician that speaks well, you know, is disciplined in front of the camera, but banging my wife and kids behind closed doors without me knowing it. (Metaphorically speaking).

Can’t wait for more of that. 😉
I understand you want Trump to win and I'd rather have him than any democrat. Where we differ is, you think he can win an election and I think he's damaged himself realistically beyond repair.
trump could neither "speak well" or be "disciplined"...

And we all KNOW hasn't been able to "bang" anything for years
Why I’d never take the hair loss drug President Trump uses
By Bruce Horovitz — Kaiser Health NewsMarch 1, 2017

Complaints chronicle sexual dysfunction, mood swings, ruined relationships, even suicides, allegedly linked to the pills intended to keep hair intact

On its website, Merck spells out three “most common side effects” of Propecia: decreased sex drive, decreased semen count, and trouble with erections.
Back to topic!!! Now that the House is secure, Democrats are calling for GOP leadership to "just move on" and reach across the aisle. You really can't make this BS up.

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I understand you want Trump to win and I'd rather have him than any democrat. Where we differ is, you think he can win an election and I think he's damaged himself realistically beyond repair.
Where we differ is….I believe what has been done to him is criminal. A consorted effort by both pubs and dems. Corrupt politicians that were scared shitless that he was/is going to expose them. They want a safe pick that won’t fight them and truly fix what I believe is now a banana republic. I also, believe that if we give in, and let the media and pols influence elections by what the dems have done over the last 6 years (trials, impeachments, weaponizing the DOJ and FBI etc). Then we are lost as a nation. There is no turning back.

As such, I will continue to fight for the only president in my lifetime that acts like a real person, says what’s really on his mind, and attempts to do everything he said he was going to do.

Everyone else is just a politician to me, until proven otherwise. I will fight media narratives tooth and nail because from my experience? They aren’t on the side of the people. It is what it is.

So if the media tells me X candidate is the way to go….I run.
Back to topic!!! Now that the House is secure, Democrats are calling for GOP leadership to "just move on" and reach across the aisle. You really can't make this BS up.

There are alot of dots that are connecting for a narrative to push pubs to the center again. We will see how many end up being able to do basic math.

It’s a huge mistake if pubs go down this path. IMO, it looks like pubs are.
There are alot of dots that are connecting for a narrative to push pubs to the center again. We will see how many end up being able to do basic math.
If the House doesn't go full rabid dog on Hiden and the FBI, then the GOP will never have the confidence of their constituency to win elections ever again.
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If the House doesn't go full rabid dog on Hiden and the FBI, then the GOP will never have the confidence of their constituency to win elections ever again.
I agree. I am just watching some of the media pushes, as well as what’s happening with leadership positions.

The most bizarre thing to me is how much Paul Ryan is out in the media lately.
I agree. I am just watching some of the media pushes, as well as what’s happening with leadership positions.

The most bizarre thing to me is how much Paul Ryan is out in the media lately.
Ryan's on the same career path as Lizzie Cheney. 😂
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You are right about two things: It IS about him. 93% of his endorsed candidates won. And we ARE seeing change. RINOs being thrown in the dumpster as we embrace America First candidates.

Adapt or die.
He founded the movement people are accusing him of ruining.

He continues to grow the movement people are accusing him of ruining.

I don't understand. Trump isn't my favorite either but I can call a spade a spade.
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No. They're terrible. And we're losing close elections because our guys are terrible too.

I mean, come on. Herschel Walker for the senate??
No, we are losing because there are selections , not elections.

Fetterman doesn’t even know where he is. This isn’t hard, and until enough people get off the porch it won’t matter.
You are thinking emotionally about this issue rather than logically. Anyone thinking logically about this issue understands that if you give the federal government more control over state elections, that it opens the door for corruption and incompetence.

More than the corruption & incompetence at the state level?

Maybe this will help you understand the folly of your approach. If we had adopted your stance in 2000 and put the government in charge of state elections, these guys would have been overseeing the elections and would have the final call on them. Per your wishes:

George W Bush
Barrack Hussein Obama
Donald J Trump
Joseph Robbinette Biden

You've already admitted you don't/didn't like any of these guys, but here you want them to be put in charge.

Psssst...Federal oversight of elections goes back as far as the Civil War

Emotional thinking vs logical thinking. Libs fall for emotional thinking every time.. Jess Sayin'.

malone doesn't know American history
Because they cheated, right? The only way republicans lose is because they're cheated.

Kinda like Kentucky basketball.
I'm not saying that I'm asking a question.

We have better candidates but barely, and they win (and in Fetterman's situation by a ton).

I'm just trying to make sense of it all.
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You are right about two things: It IS about him. 93% of his endorsed candidates won. And we ARE seeing change. RINOs being thrown in the dumpster as we embrace America First candidates.

Adapt or die.
Here is the sad part.

The media is creating a narrative that elections were lost because of Trump. Even though the states that were lost were the same states where there were issues in 2020 elections. (Imagine that).

The next narrative. Trump said a bad thing about desantis. We must not say mean things about pubs. ROFLMAO. Come on folks, you can’t take this as serious. It’s laughable. Have folks forgotten every campaign of every candidate for ANY office over the last 30 years? Give me the candidates name (that includes Ron) and I can find you name calling/mean things they said about their opponents save for maybe Ben Carson (that didn’t work out well, and I actually initially Wanted him to win)

Pubs are more than likely going to get their asses handed to them until they are willing to grow a pair and speak the truth about our elections. Quit being afraid of every time the media calls them election deniers, or Qanon, or conspiracy theorists, racists, or whatever new word they come up with to shame them.

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