Trump says abortion should be decided by states 'will of the people'


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
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With exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother

Anything wrong with that?

The linked news story mentions rape, incest and “life” of the mother as exceptions. Few, if any, have a problem with that.

The pro-abortion crowd insists on using “health” of the mother in the language, instead. They do that for a reason. They know they can abuse that interpretation to cover just about any circumstance.

What’s that, you have a headache? Well, that falls under the umbrella of your “health” situation. Please see the receptionist to schedule your abortion appointment.
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The linked news story mentions rape, incest and “life” of the mother as exceptions. Few, if any, have a problem with that.

The pro-abortion crowd insists on using “health” of the mother in the language, instead. They do that for a reason. They know they can abuse that interpretation to cover just about any circumstance.

What’s that, you have a headache? Well, that falls under the umbrella of your “health” situation. Please see the receptionist to schedule your abortion appointment.
Good catch. I meant to write "life" to match the article but wrote "health" instead. I have since corrected it
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You guys keep underestimating the man, smh,
to quote you, "OOOOOOKKKKKKK"

Fetterman made a rather quick recovery from his stroke. But he was more coherent than Biden is now when it occurred.

In addition to being a career politician, which is odious in itself, he's clearly in some sort of cognitive decline. This is not like Obama being tired and saying 58 states one time, this is every time he opens his mouth.
The lefties PRETEND Abortion matters to them..when in FACT all it meant was a way to keep Trump from office. As EVERY TIME....Lucy pulled the football away...AGAIN. Trump 2024 is inevitable. Libs may as well start practicing screaming at the sky...AGAIN.
to quote you, "OOOOOOKKKKKKK"

Fetterman made a rather quick recovery from his stroke. But he was more coherent than Biden is now when it occurred.

In addition to being a career politician, which is odious in itself, he's clearly in some sort of cognitive decline. This is not like Obama being tired and saying 58 states one time, this is every time he opens his mouth.
I remember being told that Fetterman would never recovery and shouldn't be in congress and being told I am crazy for believing that he could, great times.

Biden will be fine. Please keep setting the bar low. It only helps him.
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I remember being told that Fetterman would never recovery and shouldn't be in congress and being told I am crazy for believing that he could, great times.

Biden will be fine. Please keep setting the bar low. It only helps him.
Then why won't Biden just simply say he will debate?
I remember being told that Fetterman would never recovery and shouldn't be in congress and being told I am crazy for believing that he could, great times.

Biden will be fine. Please keep setting the bar low. It only helps him.
I told you he should come back when he was better. I even explained to you why when I had my stroke I didn't come back to work until I was better.
Biden will be fine. Please keep setting the bar low. It only helps him.
I told you he should come back when he was better. I even explained to you why when I had my stroke I didn't come back to work until I was better.
That is not what most said. The consensus definitely was that he was fried forever.

Seriously, the reason the SOTU did so well, was because right wing media said that he had dementia and there was zero chance that he could do it. Setting expectations matter.
Do you think that he will have to give a number of weeks for the evangelicals?
No, that's literally the point of this statement.

It's also good he's reminding the pro-abortion crowd that he didn't ban abortions, the SCOTUS just pushed it back to the states.

Don't like your states' standing on abortion? Activate politically or move.
That is not what most said. The consensus definitely was that he was fried forever.

Seriously, the reason the SOTU did so well, was because right wing media said that he had dementia and there was zero chance that he could do it. Setting expectations matter.
Who told you the state of the union went well, CNN?
That is not what most said. The consensus definitely was that he was fried forever.
That's verbatim what I said, I'd go hunt the post down but I'm not gonna dry snitch on myself. 😂

An indicator at least where I stay at is suddenly nobody is talking about politics. It's been my experience amongst black folk that not only will they tell you who they are voting for and why, they will tell you which politicians they're going to beat up if they ever run into them. I. E. "I ever see Councilman Crenshaw I will whip his ass for taking the liquor out the nude bars. "
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I agree with Bidink on this one. I say more abortions for free. Liberals have 90% of them anyway, they want to abort their babies I'm all for it.
What is the reasoning as to why it's good for this to be a state by state decision?

I really don't have a position on this, I am just wondering why people think that....other than it suiting their own purpose.
What is the reasoning as to why it's good for this to be a state by state decision?

I really don't have a position on this, I am just wondering why people think that....other than it suiting their own purpose.
it should have never been under the purview of the federal government?
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Cleansing the gene pool of idiots....
This (well the above post) is what I have been saying for years: abortion is a loser issue for Republicans that is mostly used by liberals and that sways otherwise right leaning independents to vote left.

If AOC wants to abort AOC jr, then let her. Done losing elections over issues that disproportionately are wanted by the other side and only reduce government spending.

Trump got it exactly right here. Him pushing national ban would have been a disaster.
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What is the reasoning as to why it's good for this to be a state by state decision?

I really don't have a position on this, I am just wondering why people think that....other than it suiting their own purpose.
You really are clueless aren't you?
it should have never been under the purview of the federal
Theoretically, I would pass a 20 week minimum at the federal and then the states can determine additional weeks and funding.

With that said, it’s at the states and would pass (or has passed) in likely 60 percent of them.
What is the reasoning as to why it's good for this to be a state by state decision?

I really don't have a position on this, I am just wondering why people think that....other than it suiting their own purpose.
Because it's the United States of America, as in States that govern themselves and are United for self defense and commerce.
I say we offer $$$ to gals who will volunteer to get irreversibly sterilized. $10K. Again 90% will be lib sluts who would otherwise have 3 or 4 kids we'd be paying alot more than $10K to raise anyway.
I say we offer $$$ to gals who will volunteer to get irreversibly sterilized. $10K. Again 90% will be lib sluts who would otherwise have 3 or 4 kids we'd be paying alot more than $10K to raise anyway.
So in other words legalize prostitution.
Because it's the United States of America, as in States that govern themselves and are United for self defense and commerce.
We have lots of things done on a federal basis. The states only govern certain things. We are one country, not 50.

What is the logic.....what is the reasoning behind why it is better to have 50 different laws on abortion instead of one overall rule?

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