AZ forensic audit

Wait - you think it was a sham but you're using their count numbers as proof the election was clean.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth again.
I never said that it was clean. Just said it's funny that you guys got excited for this and NOTHING 😂
I would contend that presenting poor evidence in support of your argument undermines your argument more so than it strengthens it. That just reduces the exchanges to a volley of opinions with no progress (whatever progress means here) being made.
What poor evidence?
You're either intentionally being a dick or you are a complete moron. This issue isn't complicated.
No, i just did a search on your comments. Maybe you should too because now your tone has changed. You went from saying overturning and judges, to now "I just want to expose the fraud." On boy.
No, i just did a search on your comments. Maybe you should too because now your tone has changed. You went from saying overturning and judges, to now "I just want to expose the fraud." On boy.
It’s a timing issue. If this had all happened prior to Jan 6th it should have been overturned. Electors should have been called back if fraud was proven. And I still maintain Pence should have sent the states with divided/contested electors back to sort their issues out. We had two months.

After that there’s no established process. It would have led to a constitutional crisis.

And quit lying, you didn’t search anything.
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It’s a timing issue. If this had all happened prior to Jan 6th it should have been overturned. Electors should have been called back if fraud was proven. And I still maintain Pence should have sent the states with divided/contested electors back to sort their issues out. We had two months.

After that there’s no established process. It would have led to a constitutional crisis.

And quit lying, you didn’t search anything.
I did and if @FresnoGator have the power to check, ill give him permission to disclose that.

Ok, so your expected results changed. Just say that then say that I don't understand or that I'm lying, When you were saying "overturn" in Jun/Jul.
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Ok, well you know my stance
You tend to be pretty ambiguous, so I don't really know your stance. The way I understand it is that you aren't concerned with the quality of evidence you present so long as it is consistent with your prior beliefs.
But I'm not really interested in your stance, just pointing out that the article you posted had contradictory messaging.
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You tend to be pretty ambiguous, so I don't really know your stance. The way I understand it is that you aren't concerned with the quality of evidence you present so long as it is consistent with your prior beliefs.
But I'm not really interested in your stance, just pointing out that the article you posted had contradictory messaging.
My point isn't about the article and not sure why you're focus on that. It's irrelevant to the point. Every article, everywhere wil lsay that the Audit showed Biden won AZ. Thats my point, Biden won AZ, despite being told on here for months that he didn't and this audit would overturn and lead to de-certifying AZ. Trump even said the same. They are were wrong and now I am laughing at them.

I like you on the football side, so i won't argue with you on the political side. It's gets too personal and tribal over here. Let's agree to say away from each other over here.
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I did and if @FresnoGator have the power to check, ill give him permission to disclose that.

Ok, so your expected results changed. Just say that then say that I don't understand or that I'm lying, When you were saying "overturn" in Jun/Jul.
On July 14th I totaled up the fraud claims from several states and said they were more than enough to overturn the election.

I said “your tune will change” in direct response to you claiming the fraud wasn’t significant.

I didn’t say “we should overturn the election and put Trump back in office”. I was just pointing out all of the fraud will be exposed and it’s significant enough that it changed the election.

At least in that July post I’m singing the exact same tune I am now. Find one where I didn’t or admit you’re FOS.
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My point isn't about the article and not sure why you're focus on that. It's irrelevant to the point. Every article, everywhere wil lsay that the Audit showed Biden won AZ. Thats my point, Biden won AZ, despite being told on here for months that he didn't and this audit would overturn and lead to de-certifying AZ. Trump even said the same. They are were wrong and now I am laughing at them.

I like you on the football side, so i won't argue with you on the political side. It's gets too personal and tribal over here. Let's agree to say away from each other over here.
The time for decertifying the election has come and gone, nobody claims that's going to happen. That ship sailed in January. Why can't you understand this, everyone (most) gets this. What it's about now is proving fraud decided an election, and it's important to do so that next time, we won't be doing stupid election shit like 2020.

That is the entire reason to shine some sunshine on this dog's ugly ass. Nothing else.
My point isn't about the article and not sure why you're focus on that. It's irrelevant to the point. Every article, everywhere wil lsay that the Audit showed Biden won AZ. Thats my point, Biden won AZ, despite being told on here for months that he didn't and this audit would overturn and lead to de-certifying AZ. Trump even said the same. They are were wrong and now I am laughing at them.

I like you on the football side, so i won't argue with you on the political side. It's gets too personal and tribal over here. Let's agree to say away from each other over here.
No worries, I have no intention on arguing politics, my interest is more about the spread of misinformation. Since the article is a potential source of misinformation, that is why I addressed that.
I also have no doubt that arguing politics is a fruitless endeavor, which is why I try to avoid it. Just seems to creep into every topic unfortunately.
The time for decertifying the election has come and gone, nobody claims that's going to happen. That ship sailed in January. Why can't you understand this, everyone (most) gets this. What it's about now is proving fraud decided an election, and it's important to do so that next time, we won't be doing stupid election shit like 2020.

That is the entire reason to shine some sunshine on this dog's ugly ass. Nothing else.
This is the typical dem tactic.

He’s now turned the argument to “you idiots were calling for overturning the election and now you’ve changed your tune because there isn’t enough fraud”.

He’s dragging us to his level and beating us with experience again. Does it often.
No this is a lie. Just follow the history of the threads created around this audit. People on here was sure that the results would be overturned. They were sure that the votes only impacted Biden. Seems like a lot went wrong on the Trump side. Don't switch up what you expect now because your original thoughts were proven wrong.
There is an easy summary here:

1. The audits were held, again and again, the counts added up and there was no major fraud
2. But, mass mail-in voting, lack of clear voter-ID laws, ballot harvesting and election results not being finalized for days, gives many the APPEARANCE of fraud
3. Mass illegal immigration will turn many new counties into D, even if all of the voting procedures were dead on.

So what to do:

1. Hold Audits but recognize the results
2. Pass voting integrity laws. It helps ensure confidence in the vote.
3. Shut down the border. Be fair, legal and race-blind on who we let in.

For the hard R on this board, focus on Biden and the Border. Focusing retroactively on the election, will only turn off swing voters and prompt hard R voters to stay at home and not even vote making a loss a self-fulfilling prophesy.
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I did and if @FresnoGator have the power to check, ill give him permission to disclose that.

Ok, so your expected results changed. Just say that then say that I don't understand or that I'm lying, When you were saying "overturn" in Jun/Jul.
Kalim, IMO, you can certainly post the article you did, but people have every right to question the veracity of your source. EVERY news article should be questioned because of the preponderance of agendas on every subject ...
They doubt the election because Trump cast SPURIOUS DOUBTS about the election. Had he not LIED in an effort to circumvent the will of the people, we wouldn't have any of this.
It's quite telling that dems assume everyone else is as gullible as they are.

Dems have to be told what to think, the rest of us can assess the facts and make up their own minds.

Here's where I got suspicious:

On election night, all deep red states called immediately for Trump. As it should be.

'Swing states' all showed huge leads for Trump....but media refused to call any of them for Trump.

Arizona opened, and with less than 1 percent of the vote in, and with Trump showing a massive lead.....Fox called the state....for Hiden.

THAT was a huge red flag.

Then the swing states, where Trump lead in each comfortably, all announced after midnight that they had to stop counting, would resume in the morning.

More suspicious behavior.

So we all went to bed with Trump holding a lead in all swing states. And with all swing states saying counting was done and would resume the following day.

So we all wake up the next morning and what had happened while we slept?

Just enough votes were 'found' in WI, MI, PA and GA to push Hiden to the lead.

What a coincidence.

And you think Trump supporters didn't think that was suspicious till Trump told them so? LMAO!

'Count every vote!'

And now you're paying for it.
Will show that Biden won and gained votes. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Still want to waste time and money auditing these states and hoping for a miracle? @fatman76 @nail1988

@BSC911, these guys just keep embarrassing themselves on this topic.

Interesting. So you're happy that you think your guy really won*, and don't see to care that your source says the election in AZ was fair?

Seems that would be what a patriotic American would focus on. Very telling behavior, especially from a guy claiming to be an 'independent'.

PS: What happens if your source was wrong? Will you admit you jumped the gun? I thought you were Mr Let It Play Out?
Kalim, IMO, you can certainly post the article you did, but people have every right to question the veracity of your source. EVERY news article should be questioned because of the preponderance of agendas on every subject ...
No i was talking about him saying that I never searched his comments....of course about my articles, i could care less haha
The time for decertifying the election has come and gone, nobody claims that's going to happen. That ship sailed in January. Why can't you understand this, everyone (most) gets this. What it's about now is proving fraud decided an election, and it's important to do so that next time, we won't be doing stupid election shit like 2020.

That is the entire reason to shine some sunshine on this dog's ugly ass. Nothing else.
"The time for decertifying the election has come and gone, nobody claims that's going to happen"...this is not true. Once again, go search the actual threads on here and you will see people claiming that.

Also, there was a movement that thought Trump would be reinstated after this audit because they would find massive fraud.

The way you guys spin is hilarious.
There is an easy summary here:

1. The audits were held, again and again, the counts added up and there was no major fraud
2. But, mass mail-in voting, lack of clear voter-ID laws, ballot harvesting and election results not being finalized for days, gives many the APPEARANCE of fraud
3. Mass illegal immigration will turn many new counties into D, even if all of the voting procedures were dead on.

So what to do:

1. Hold Audits but recognize the results
2. Pass voting integrity laws. It helps ensure confidence in the vote.
3. Shut down the border. Be fair, legal and race-blind on who we let in.

For the hard R on this board, focus on Biden and the Border. Focusing retroactively on the election, will only turn off swing voters and prompt hard R voters to stay at home and not even vote making a loss a self-fulfilling prophesy.
2. But, mass mail-in voting, lack of clear voter-ID laws, ballot harvesting and election results not being finalized for days, gives many the APPEARANCE of fraud....My biggest concern with this and something the Rs have been trying to do, is that they are trying to get ballots thrown out for stupid technicalities. The actually votes aren't in question, it's that one procedure wasn't followed. Which has zero to do with the votes itself. That's why state reps shouldn't make it so difficult to vote and if you vote, your vote shouldn't getting thrown out because someone forgot to follow a procedure. Just stupid and can lead to true fraud.
"The time for decertifying the election has come and gone, nobody claims that's going to happen"...this is not true. Once again, go search the actual threads on here and you will see people claiming that.

Also, there was a movement that thought Trump would be reinstated after this audit because they would find massive fraud.

The way you guys spin is hilarious.
People or me? Make up your mind.

Just reported more mail in ballots were rec’d than sent out. But since the hand count matched the machine count all is good.
I do. That’s just a snippet of the report and only deals with the counting portion. In other words, it would only disprove the claims the dominion machines switched votes if the paper count matched the machine count. If that’s the case I have no clue why the even cared about the BOS handing over the machines, but we will learn more today.

Other parts of the leaked audit show 4X the margin of victory in potentially fraudulent votes (doesn’t say who the fraudulent votes were for). Plus, the leaked version isn’t the final report, it’s a draft. So hold on little buddy, we’re gonna need to hear the whole thing before we start making conclusions.

It’s doesn’t say any are fraudulent. Seems more like just technicalities.
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It’s doesn’t say any are fraudulent. Seems more like just technicalities.
Yes, valid votes but some technicalities could make a case to get them thrown out...which is NOT fraud.

They are so scrambling for a new message, it's funny. Made my Friday.
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People or me? Make up your mind.

Just reported more mail in ballots were rec’d than sent out. But since the hand count matched the machine count all is good.
I always said people, go check...but i singled you out when you asked.

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