Another coverup by FSU?


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2006
Apparently they tried to coverup this Dalvin Cook issue but Deandre Johnson wasnt happy with how he was being treated differently than Cook and went and made it known for the media to get a hold of it.
It is amazing how the following things happened:

1. Cook punches the woman on 6/23

2. Meggs done with interviews by 7/4

3. Not a peep about this to ANYONE

4. As soon as the story breaks on the national news around 2 pm on 7/10 all wheels start turning: within the next 12 hours the following things take place

a) Meggs announces that they are investigating

b) Meggs issues warrant for arrest

c) Cook suspended

d) Dumbo Jumbo statement

e) FSU Prez statement (which includes wanting Meggs to lecture their fine young men about how to
AVOID getting arrested by the orders he signs off on in the future)

f) Cops give Cook "a chance to turn himself in."

g) Cook turns himself in

Took 16 days for them to do nothing, then as soon as the story breaks it's all resolved within 12 hours. I wonder what would have happened if the story didn't break on 7/10 at 2 pm. Would a warrant have been issued? Would Cook have been suspended?
Remember kids, Willie Meggs "holds FSU athletes to a higher standard than the average person".(Its funny when they say that with a straight face)
An utter PR nightmare for Jimbo/UFS. Cook's conduct as alleged is far more egregious than Johnson's. Can't boot the reserve off the team and keep the starter under these circumstances....the media will crucify them.
Oh please, if they want they will flip the bird to the media. And I would not be surprised in the least if between now and opening day, the charges are dropped.
It is amazing how the following things happened:

1. Cook punches the woman on 6/23

2. Meggs done with interviews by 7/4

3. Not a peep about this to ANYONE

4. As soon as the story breaks on the national news around 2 pm on 7/10 all wheels start turning: within the next 12 hours the following things take place

a) Meggs announces that they are investigating

b) Meggs issues warrant for arrest

c) Cook suspended

d) Dumbo Jumbo statement

e) FSU Prez statement (which includes wanting Meggs to lecture their fine young men about how to
AVOID getting arrested by the orders he signs off on in the future)

f) Cops give Cook "a chance to turn himself in."

g) Cook turns himself in

Took 16 days for them to do nothing, then as soon as the story breaks it's all resolved within 12 hours. I wonder what would have happened if the story didn't break on 7/10 at 2 pm. Would a warrant have been issued? Would Cook have been suspended?

Funny how that works
Time to dismiss the entire team, minus the long snapper and Aguayo. Every possession is an attempted, albeit quick, field goal.

problem solved.

Next season, FSU fields the first ever all gay men's football team...women free to roam the streets of Tally.
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First they had the 'Deion Rule' forcing their phootball players to at least show up physically in the classroom, even if aids and/or tutors do the homework and write their papers.

Now will the legislature need to write a 'Slap-a-Ho' law, forcing them to wear big padded mittens, to prevent black eyes and bloody noses on their dates and/or local bar run-ins.... o_O

Never more true; Friends, don't let friends, go to or even near to, FSU.... :cool:
Time to dismiss the entire team, minus the long snapper and Aguayo. Every possession is an attempted, albeit quick, field goal.

problem solved.

Next season, FSU fields the first ever all gay men's football team...women free to roam the streets of Tally.

Florida, in it's darkest days of player issues, descended to just above the level of "business as usual" in Tallahassee. I laugh when any Nole tries to equate our two schools.
Florida, in it's darkest days of player issues, descended to just above the level of "business as usual" in Tallahassee. I laugh when any Nole tries to equate our two schools.

9 arrests in 3 years, Liz. That's 3 per year.

Conversely, UF had 31 arrests from 2005 to 2010; that's 6.2 per year. 34% of the 2008 MNC team have been arrested at one point (either in college, afterwards or both).

Complete breakdown since 2010 (since most will want anything comparable to be post Meyer)

Football arrest records since 2010 are as follows:

TA&M 22
Dawgs 22
Bama 20
Gators 20
Tenn 19
FSU 17 (includes Cook & Johnson)
LSU 16
Auburn 13
USCe 9
Clumpson 6

When will we stop playing, "Our criminals aren't as bad as your criminals?" UF recruits the same darn players just as hard as FSU does. These kids are continuing to do stupid things despite having the world at their feet. It's sad...and had Cook not flipped, he'd be UF's problem right now.
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You UF guys are a joke. Cook was going to be a Gator and flipped. How is this FSU or Jimbo's fault? The SEC and most colleges have these types of players. They are 18 or 19 and they think they are entitled because they were 4 or 5 stars. FSU can't baby sit all of the players and we don't have the crooked lawyers like they do in Gainesviille that get players off.
2 separate women getting punched in as many days. That's either extremely coincidental or an indicator of something systemic. And while many teams recruited these same players only ONE is currently right in the middle of the chitstorm.

You UF guys are a joke. Cook was going to be a Gator and flipped. How is this FSU or Jimbo's fault? The SEC and most colleges have these types of players. They are 18 or 19 and they think they are entitled because they were 4 or 5 stars. FSU can't baby sit all of the players and we don't have the crooked lawyers like they do in Gainesviille that get players off.

I have a funny feeling that you won't be around here very long.
Wow Dumbo sure isn't helping FSU's image on this as he says he has laid down the law and banned all players from bars. So the bars are the problem? Now when the next FSU player hits a woman in his or her apartment will they be banned from apartments? Wouldn't a better message be DON'T HIT WOMEN! Seems Dumbo is ok with the hitting part it is the doing it in public part he has a problem with. He also said FSU is being proactive on this. When is acting after the fact considered being pro active? At FSU I guess. With leadership like this there are more problems on the way soon.
Well, the way Jimbo handled Winston I can see why the players feel they can do anything if coach has my back. Frennett article in today's Times Union is spot on where fsu program is headed. Cook will be Fishers (Winston) if he is allowed to stay on the team.
Wow Dumbo sure isn't helping FSU's image on this as he says he has laid down the law and banned all players from bars. So the bars are the problem? Now when the next FSU player hits a woman in his or her apartment will they be banned from apartments? Wouldn't a better message be DON'T HIT WOMEN! Seems Dumbo is ok with the hitting part it is the doing it in public part he has a problem with. He also said FSU is being proactive on this. When is acting after the fact considered being pro active? At FSU I guess. With leadership like this there are more problems on the way soon.
Now that's just silly. Of course it's the bars, with surveillance video that cant be as easily deleted as those files on a phone or portable electronic device, that's the real problem. Without pesky objective video evidence, accusations can be reduced to "he said, she said" and "snitches get stitches" and all that. Nothing to see here....move along....just another cleat chaser....using racial epithats....
9 arrests in 3 years, Liz. That's 3 per year.

Conversely, UF had 31 arrests from 2005 to 2010; that's 6.2 per year. 34% of the 2008 MNC team have been arrested at one point (either in college, afterwards or both).

Complete breakdown since 2010 (since most will want anything comparable to be post Meyer)

Football arrest records since 2010 are as follows:

TA&M 22
Dawgs 22
Bama 20
Gators 20
Tenn 19
FSU 17 (includes Cook & Johnson)
LSU 16
Auburn 13
USCe 9
Clumpson 6

When will we stop playing, "Our criminals aren't as bad as your criminals?" UF recruits the same darn players just as hard as FSU does. These kids are continuing to do stupid things despite having the world at their feet. It's sad...and had Cook not flipped, he'd be UF's problem right now.

Seal clubber, I think you are missing the point. No way Jimbo was going to deal with Cook until evidence surfaced. Then add to it that he kicked Johnson off the team for the same offense and now he is backed into a corner. We all know Dumbo does NOT deal with stars, at all.
Dude, play the lottery. Now!

We all know Dumbo does NOT deal with stars, at all.

Dismissed from the team:

Jarmon Fortson, Jr 4 star WR (starter)
Arrington Jenkins, Fr 3 star LB (starter)
Avis Commack, Jr 3 star CB (starter)
Greg Reid, Sr 5 star CB (starter)
Greg Dent, Sr 4 star WR (starter)
Ira Denson, Soph 4 star OL (would have been a starter)
Ukeme Eligwe, Soph 4 star LB (starter)
De'Andre Johnson, 4 star QB (potential star)

The other 8 players to have been arrested under Jimbo's reign have at least served 1 to several game suspension. If Cook is found to have done this, he will be dismissed and I'd venture to say he's a "star" also. You guys try to paint Jameis Winston over every situation.

Your turn:

J.C. Jackson (April 18, 2015)
Chris Thompson (April 1, 2015)
Treon Harris (December 16, 2014)
Jalen Tabor (May 27, 2014)
Antonio Morrison (July 21, 2013)
Grant Van Aman (June 29, 2013)
Antonio Morrison (June 16, 2013)
Loucheiz Purifoy (February 3, 2013)
Jessamen Dunker (January 16, 2013)
Leon Orr (May 14, 2012)
A.C. Leonard (February 15, 2012)
Leon Orr (January 10, 2012)
Marcus Roberson (September 14, 2011)
Dee Finley (September 12, 2011)
Jon Halapio (August 28, 2011)
Matt Elam (July 24, 2011)
De’Ante Saunders (May 25, 2011)
Janoris Jenkins (April 23, 2011)
Janoris Jenkins (January 22, 2011)
Chris Rainey (September 14, 2010)
So Igloo's response in a thread about an fsu cover up is to list arrests at UF that happened over five years and two coaching staffs ago.
You will have to forgive him. You change staff as often as our team punches women. He probably got lost in time.
So Igloo's response in a thread about an fsu cover up is to list arrests at UF that happened over five years and two coaching staffs ago.

Please read the entire thread, GatorGray. That was NOT my response to the OP. My response to the OP was to get rid of the entire team (less the kicker) and start from scratch because this is getting ridiculous.

The response you're speaking of is addressing the continued claim that "our criminals are better than your criminals" that seems to be a huge "chest thumper" on these boards.

UF and FSU recruit the exact same players; however, with FSU out-recruiting UF consistently, we're getting the "stars" (aka: entitled and catered to kids). When UF was on top (under Meyer), you guys were getting the "stars" we're getting now and it showed with 41 of 121 players from one team being arrested. You guys desperately want to be back on top of the CFB world, well, remember this is part of it. Denying that fact will only bring you heartbreak when this thing cycles back around...which it will.

You don't condone the type of behavior being displayed at FSU any more than we do, and you're thankful the spotlight is on us, not UF. It's okay to admit that.
I don't care about number of arrests, this was a clear attempt to cover up. And if he is dismissed it will be because of Johnson, not because Dumbo wants to dismiss him.
Football arrest records since 2010 are as follows:

TA&M 22
Dawgs 22
Bama 20
Gators 20
Tenn 19
FSU 17 (includes Cook & Johnson)
LSU 16
Auburn 13
USCe 9
Clumpson 6

Are you trying to make a case there is a meaningful distinction between 20 and 17 arrests over that time period? As I mentioned before, this is like two convicted assault felons arguing which crime is worse.

Also, I think the kinds of arrests are relevant. OTL reported that for the period they measured, FSU had more arrests for violence against women than any other program. And I think that was before Cook and Johnson.
Michi, are you speaking on past experience of cover-ups or is this more of a gut feeling?
Well, the way Jimbo handled Winston I can see why the players feel they can do anything if coach has my back. Frennett article in today's Times Union is spot on where fsu program is headed. Cook will be Fishers (Winston) if he is allowed to stay on the team.

It's a very sad and pathetic state of affairs at f$u...please don't send your kids there unless you want them abused.

Go Canes!
It's a very sad and pathetic state of affairs at f$u...please don't send your kids there unless you want them abused.

Go Canes!

Sadly, this is true. had a good friend who yanked his girl out of there for this very reason...and this was BEFORE the most recent events. If a university & police department are going to be complicit in allowing this to go on over a friggin' football team, no one should send their kids there.
If we weren't here to give feedback this board would wither away to you and mcanes spooning. Ban me. No big deal.
Are you trying to make a case there is a meaningful distinction between 20 and 17 arrests over that time period? As I mentioned before, this is like two convicted assault felons arguing which crime is worse.

Also, I think the kinds of arrests are relevant. OTL reported that for the period they measured, FSU had more arrests for violence against women than any other program. And I think that was before Cook and Johnson.
Mets & Igloo keep forgetting this is NOT a smack board.

Of course it's not. This is a discussion board and we are discussing the matter with responses are posted without snarky commentary.
And yet we still have more wins head-to-head.

You should, you had a 50 year head start to build up your football program. I would say you should always be at least +10 to account for the years FSU had to ramp up. The fact the lead is shrinking speaks volumes to the success of our relatively "new" program and what FSU has done the last 30 years in closing the gap. IF it ever becomes 50-50 that really means FSU is on top. IMO.
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You should, you had a 50 year head start to build up your football program. I would say you should always be at least +10 to account for the years FSU had to ramp up. The fact the lead is shrinking speaks volumes to the success of our relatively "new" program and what FSU has done the last 30 years. IF it ever becomes 50-50 that really means FSU is on top. IMO.
Hey Einstein, there's a reason none of the Big 3 in Florida had sustained success on the football field until beginning in the late '70s and early '80s. But I wouldn't expect you to understand macro level issues like demographic trends over the course of decades.
Hey Einstein, there's a reason none of the Big 3 in Florida had sustained success on the football field until beginning in the late '70s and early '80s. But I wouldn't expect you to understand macro level issues like demographic trends over the course of decades.

I was speaking in regards to head to head FSU vs UF (you brought it up). What does that have to do with the rest of the nation?
Sadly, this is true. had a good friend who yanked his girl out of there for this very reason...and this was BEFORE the most recent events. If a university & police department are going to be complicit in allowing this to go on over a friggin' football team, no one should send their kids there.
A tad reactionary I'd say, but it makes for a good cover story. Some people get caught up in the party scene a little too much.