Just more of the Dim-Moe-Rats
-- Big Lies -- that they are forever perpetuating...
They do so with the help of the
'Fake News Lame Stream Media' daily,,, and by liberal school indoctrination from grade school to universities and by ultra liberal Hollywood over time.
Books of Great Interest, and all were
#1 Best Sellers: -- by
Dinesh D'Souza
'Oboma's America'
'America: Imagine a World Without Her'
'Hillary's America' (imo,,, this one was part of the cause for the witch losing in 2016)
The Big Lie -
Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left. (iG's currently reading)
Wisdom for Brain-dead's like Bradley, BS-C911, and sadly
Old Adage: 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.'
Corollary: 'You can lead a liberal to knowledge, but you can't make them think.'
If there's even one honest liberal posting, or just reading here, then read '
The Big Lie' and then give my your opinions. Otherwise, you're just another ignorant horses's azz...
Read, think, and learn for yourselves,,,
or just continue to be spoon fed the Big Lies.
The Dim-Moe-Rats once used the Race-Card against Pubs, but with the facts laid bare, not so much any more, that's why they have switched to the also incorrect Nazi tag.
Fact 1 - President Lincoln was a Republican.
Fact 2 - In 1860 before the Civil War, of the appox. 4 million slaves,
not a single one was owned by a Republican.
Fact 3 - The KKK was the Dim's response to the Republican's Emancipation Act.
The basis for the Big Lie is to always blame the other guy
(transference) for your own crimes.
-- This is what the
'progressive, liberal, socialist, Dim-Moe-Rats' excel at.
Groups like ANTIFA and BLM are just the Dim's latest violent sub-groups funded by people like billionaire socialist George Soros,
(he also helped fund the Wuhan lab).