WSJ: Mysterious Figure Behind QAnon Traced to the Vatican


Bull Gator
Nov 5, 2011
Parts Unknown
The Wall Street Journal
Mysterious Figure Behind QAnon Traced to the Vatican

November 8, 2020

The government of Sweden stunned the world Saturday evening when it announced that it has obtained forensic evidence that the anonymous author of the cryptic statements known as ”Qdrops” is likely to be operating from a facility located on Vatican property.

“We were able to use an SSL man-in-the-middle attack to decrypt the HTTPS traffic associated with multiple so-called Qdrops. This enabled us to identify the source by extracting personally-identifying information from the TCP layer,” explained First Minister Sheph Borckbork, who oversees the Signal Intelligence Division.

The Holy See did not immediately respond to requests for comment. However a source close to the Office of the Nuncio, on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press, revealed that the Pope Francis himself ordered an emergency investigation after receiving a tip from a well-placed informant.

The source declined to reveal the identify of the informant, but hinted that he may have been a senior advisor to the Pope himself.

A routine security check conducted in late October unexpectedly discovered unusual communication activity with what is he believes may be an organization that was unknown to all but a handful of elite figures that may include current and former heads of state and celebrities.

“I fear for the soul of the Church,” he asserted before adding a curious, but potentially explosive, detail. “My associate overheard discussions that the QSource is not a single individual, but a team that is led by an American was supposed to have died in an accident around twenty years ago. He’s not dead. He just went rogue.”

“His plane landed, and when he came out, he looked like a cop, standing there with my name out. I told him I cannot be arrested yet because I just got here.”

The final aspect of what he discovered was so horrifying that he claimed he could only speak oblique references due to the sensitivity and his fear that his statements could be traced back to him.

In a voice that shuddered with palpable terror, he continued.

“This has huge implications for the election in America. Joseph Biden is not who people think he is. I am warning everyone that Trump is going to shock the world in a few days. He is going to set this world on fire. He sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared. I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said 'Fresh' and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare. But I thought "Nah, forget it, yo, Holmes, to Bel-Air!"
Q has posted dozens of pictures of the INTERIOR of Air Force One. It's obviously someone within Trump's inner circle. Anyone that had spent 5 minutes actually researching Q would know this.

Which is why the media can so easily fool the sheep like @Uniformed_ReRe. Who said she was leaving, so I guess she's back now.
I thought that it would be obvious to you that this “Wall Street Journal” article was a parody that I literally made up last night. I hoped that including the theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air would be a big hint.

I was wrong.

There truly is no hope for you guys.
  • Haha
Reactions: EvilWayz
I thought that it would be obvious to you that this “Wall Street Journal” article was a parody that I literally made up last night. I hoped that including the theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air would be a big hint.

I was wrong.

There truly is no hope for you guys.

So we were the dummies cause we didn't take you seriously? Then you admit you weren't being serious?

Poor baby that your weak-ass troll attempt backfired.
I'm a subscriber to the actual WSJ.
I'll check this out, but they don't publish new stuff on Sundays...
I earned my seat in Troll Valhalla with this one.
What? You made up a fake article, then your first reply in the thread you admitted that no one read your fake article.

You made a troll attempt, then got upset that no one was paying attention to your troll attempt, then 3 years later come back and bump it and proclaim it was an all time great troll???

We have the dumbest trolls on the internet.
I will be 100% honest...I do not even know who Qanon is or what they stand for. Out of my orbit, and truly do not care
@Uniformed_ReRe thinks it's all a crazy conspiracy theory that dummy Trump supporters have fallen for, and that well-educated libs like himself can see right through.

Rere also religiously follows all CDC guidance on covid shots, and has for the last 3 years. Like all well-educated liberals do.
  • Wow
Reactions: NavigatorII
Not could offer me 10 billion dollars if I could explain who they are...I only have ever heard of them reading socialist/lib posters. Ae they on their side?
Conservatives trump supporters all get amnesia and hide behind ignorance just like their leader...

He doesn't know who they are...but he seems to host them for dinner a lot

@Uniformed_ReRe thinks it's all a crazy conspiracy theory that dummy Trump supporters have fallen for, and that well-educated libs like himself can see right through.

Rere also religiously follows all CDC guidance on covid shots, and has for the last 3 years. Like all well-educated liberals do.
How is this thread still alive? I am still getting "ignored deranged members alerts". :oops:

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