White House Spokeswoman Jen Psaki: Teachers Should Talk to Kindergarteners About If They’re “a Boy or a Girl”

PLEASE understand. THIS is your typical lib. Low morals (or NO morals) No ethics. ALL about agenda. They have been this way forever...they only now feel comfortable in admitting it. See any snowflakes in here calling her out? No...and you will not. Can you imagine how much better off America would be if these idiots would leave our GREAT Country forever? Not the moderates or Independants...just the lefties. What an economic powerhouse we would be
PLEASE understand. THIS is your typical lib. Low morals (or NO morals) No ethics. ALL about agenda. They have been this way forever...they only now feel comfortable in admitting it. See any snowflakes in here calling her out? No...and you will not. Can you imagine how much better off America would be if these idiots would leave our GREAT Country forever? Not the moderates or Independants...just the lefties. What an economic powerhouse we would be
Well, we all know that won't happen as they're entitled to their right to be as such; however, we do stymie their degenerate ideologies with common sense and sound reasoning. That alone causes them to self-destruct.
A lib acting on satan's behalf.

A nation that doesnt defend its children will face God's wrath.
And on that note....

Matthew 18:6

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
Psaki is sick. She needs mental help.
She makes sure her paycheck clears the bank and that’s where her concerns and ethics end.
Little boys and girls only need to learn the “3R’s” from a teacher. Period.
The left is absolutely freaking out because of parental pushback. Good.
Keep on pushing.
What's astonishing is there are 33% of the people who approve of the job Biden is doing. Talk about a scary, disgusting, ignorant population of people.
What's astonishing is there are 33% of the people who approve of the job Biden is doing. Talk about a scary, disgusting, ignorant population of people.
Here are the 33% right here.....

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