In Gator Sports Forum topic 35873, titled "Ron Simmons on WWE network admitted that FSU and Bowden", I read:
Whyzzat!? Where'd JD & PassoverGator go, and why'd they go?
Looking as far back as early December, I don't see any thread whose title even hints at their departure, demotion, or defrocking, nor any comparable change. There haven't been any updates to pinned threads in the Sports Forum since the 2nd half of the football regular season, when both of them seemed to be around here. And I see that PassoverGator posted less than a month ago, with his member-id box still decorated with his "Moderator" rank.
It's not as if they're lacking ways to be useful around here. F'r'instance, within a few replies of the Gator Sports Forum posting excerpted above, there was an uncensored opponent-fan's reference to UF's team by an all-lower-case use of the banned word for a movable opening attached to a fence.
I miss JD & Pass.
Whyzzat!? Where'd JD & PassoverGator go, and why'd they go?
Looking as far back as early December, I don't see any thread whose title even hints at their departure, demotion, or defrocking, nor any comparable change. There haven't been any updates to pinned threads in the Sports Forum since the 2nd half of the football regular season, when both of them seemed to be around here. And I see that PassoverGator posted less than a month ago, with his member-id box still decorated with his "Moderator" rank.
It's not as if they're lacking ways to be useful around here. F'r'instance, within a few replies of the Gator Sports Forum posting excerpted above, there was an uncensored opponent-fan's reference to UF's team by an all-lower-case use of the banned word for a movable opening attached to a fence.