Well, well, well....IRS reports average tax refund is UP 1.3% this year


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

So Trump LOWERED taxes and RAISED our tax refund at the same time?

Now you see why dems were against this. Businesses get their taxes lowered, they have more money to reinvest in core business processes, including hiring more people and at better wages.

Employees make more, so they get taxed more. Rates get lowered, at a higher income, so they get a bigger refund.

Businesses win, employees win, taxpayers win.

Again, now you see why the dems were so against this. I swear, it's almost like they are against anything that helps America and Americans, isn't it?
Note no lib here can respond to this.

What did dems tell us as Trump pushed his plan through to cut taxes?

"Only the rich will benefit! Everyday Americans won't see a dime!"

Then companies started announcing that they were passing along their savings to employees in the form of bonuses, usually $1000 per employee.

Pelosi called it 'crumbs'.

Now the truth comes out: Trump lowered our taxes AND raised our refund at the same time!

How many times have libs used the 'we lost money in the 80s when Reagan lowered taxes!" talking point? I know @bradleygator has, and of course it's completely inaccurate. Income tax collected SPIKED in the 80s under Reagan, it didn't go down.

If you drop the talking points you've been spoon-fed, and start thinking for yourself, you quickly see how Trump's economic policies are great for America.

But as soon as dems hear they are TRUMP'S policies, they hate them. Even when they HELP them lead better lives.

While claiming that Trump supporters are the dummies.
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