Well! The Real Truth Coming Out.

I think i found Ghost.

The power of silence, mystery, intrigue, and keeping true motives under wraps can never be underestimated...when you know we invaded Iraq because of would have been wiser to speculate about oil, money, power, influence, and control...same in Venezuela...there's always more than meets the eye...perhaps TPTB are fearful of China's One Belt One Road projects around the world...and perhaps they should be...just sayin'.

And...who said Russia was really the boogie man we all have to watch?

Agent Orange
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There’s nothing there that is earthshaking or changes any informed opinion on Venezuela. The country has been destroyed by Maduro, and PDVSA is in hock up to their eyeballs to the Russians and Chinese. It’s a catastrophe affecting most of the surrounding countries as there have been 3 million starving people displaced into their countries

The UN is/was always going to “split the baby” regarding those oil reserves, so Exxon is still going to get there’s one way or another. But Venezuela can’t even exploit the reserves they have now because nobody will work them for money that depreciates 250% daily.... let alone the land infrastructure that is rotting and the oil ships that are rusting. Most of Venezuela’s tankers are leaking so badly, they are under maritime prohibition to leave Venezuela waters

Russia already has significant stock in PDVSA and China is owed significant loan values, but that money is drying up because the country is in free fall, and Maduro is a bad investment. They support Maduro ONLY to safeguard their investments..... they frankly would easily switch to another side behind the scenes if their interests were safeguarded

I don’t see any war coming about over those reserves.... as they can be exploited far sooner by the Guyana enclave, and the US would lose all the support we’ve built with the other S.A. countries in the coalition supporting the opposition- Only Sabre rattling here
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There’s nothing there that is earthshaking or changes any informed opinion on Venezuela. The country has been destroyed by Maduro, and PDVSA is in hock up to their eyeballs to the Russians and Chinese. It’s a catastrophe affecting most of the surrounding countries as there have been 3 million starving people displaced into their countries

The UN is/was always going to “split the baby” regarding those oil reserves, so Exxon is still going to get there’s one way or another. But Venezuela can’t even exploit the reserves they have now because nobody will work them for money that depreciates 250% daily.... let alone the land infrastructure that is rotting and the oil ships that are rusting. Most of Venezuela’s tankers are leaking so badly, they are under maritime prohibition to leave Venezuela waters

Russia already has significant stock in PDVSA and China is owed significant loan values, but that money is drying up because the country is in free fall, and Maduro is a bad investment. They support Maduro ONLY to safeguard their investments..... they frankly would easily switch to another side behind the scenes if their interests were safeguarded

I don’t see any war coming about over those reserves.... as they can be exploited far sooner by the Guyana enclave, and the US would lose all the support we’ve built with the other S.A. countries in the coalition supporting the opposition- Only Sabre rattling only here

IrishPokerDawg, i sure hope that you're right. As i have stated, i see a conspiracy in everything or you might want to call me Willie Rain Cloud, Debbie Downer or maybe even Negative Nancy. What is China gonna do or should i $ay what is America gonna do when China comes calling wanting their money from us? Could this be the Gog and MaGog that the bible is referencing? Also, why keep trying to always have to bullshit the American people. Also, could this put an end to the Petro dollar. Just some things i wonder and ponder on. Look how much closer that puts the Trojan Horse to us.
IrishPokerDawg, i sure hope that you're right. As i have stated, i see a conspiracy in everything or you might want to call me Willie Rain Cloud, Debbie Downer or maybe even Negative Nancy. What is China gonna do or should i $ay what is America gonna do when China comes calling wanting their money from us? Could this be the Gog and MaGog that the bible is referencing? Also, why keep trying to always have to bullshit the American people. Also, could this put an end to the Petro dollar. Just some things i wonder and ponder on. Look how much closer that puts the Trojan Horse to us.

Yeah, I hear ya.... 2nd law of thermodynamics.... entropy (chaos) will always increase.

But regarding China, I don’t worry about if they come calling for the $$$..... I worry about what our politicians are gonna do when they quit loaning it
I don't trust any foreign country...we need to act like they don't exist for about a decade and build up our own country's economy for a while (mini-cold war) if you will. Keep scumbags the hell out and deport trash that break laws on American soil.