Until it happens to them, part 2. Last week I commented on the Olympia mayor


Gator Great
Jul 5, 2001
a supporter of BLM, then calling them a terrorist group after her own house, was spray painted.

Now an NBC news crew of Andrea Mitchell with Holmes Norton alongside is attacked and one of them is heard to exclaim where are the police. If I were a cop I would tell them to F off and go get yourself a gun if you want protection. I truly think these kind of people have no clue how stupid they look with what or who they support and then complain about it.

I love until it happens to them. Cant wait for part 3.
I say too little too late. Now their team names will be the CHOP Seahawks and CHOP Mariners.
F*** Mayor Durkin and their CYA police chief.

Only the libtards
The would-be attacker, dressed in a pink bra and panties, ran at Mitchell and House of Representatives Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton as they stood in the street with a cameraperson, but was quickly moved away by security.
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Gotta love that plastic surgery.

"While standing in the 'Black House Autonomous Zone' NBC reporter @mitchellreports was almost just attacked. Her first reaction was to ask where the police were," Caleb Hull wrote.

"NBC News host Andrea Mitchell was nearly attacked by a crazy [person] today on camera. Her response to the incident was 'Where are the police when you need them.' You can hear her say this," another user tweeted. "Ironically she was literally standing on a street painting that read 'Defund the police.'"
Gotta love that plastic surgery.

"While standing in the 'Black House Autonomous Zone' NBC reporter @mitchellreports was almost just attacked. Her first reaction was to ask where the police were," Caleb Hull wrote.

"NBC News host Andrea Mitchell was nearly attacked by a crazy [person] today on camera. Her response to the incident was 'Where are the police when you need them.' You can hear her say this," another user tweeted. "Ironically she was literally standing on a street painting that read 'Defund the police.'"

lulz :D