This is why I dislike Miami players, fans, city, culture, etc. the most......hood, thug, arrogant, bravado, trash.
Compare Gators legends Tebow, Wuerffel, Smith, Spurrier, etc. positive, uplifting, good natured inspiring speeches to the degenerative, negative, ill natured spewing of Canes "legends" like Irvin, Sapp, Winslow, and the rest of the proud to be hood trash mentality ilk.
Compare Gators legends Tebow, Wuerffel, Smith, Spurrier, etc. positive, uplifting, good natured inspiring speeches to the degenerative, negative, ill natured spewing of Canes "legends" like Irvin, Sapp, Winslow, and the rest of the proud to be hood trash mentality ilk.