Trumpy Bear Getting Played!


Rowdy Reptile
Sep 27, 2018
Mayberry Tennessee
Is Trumpy Bear really this dumb or is it by design?
It's a shame that this was the "ONLY" choice for
the Republican party. This is the leadership America
has had for the past 50 years. Johnson, Nixon, Ford,
Carter, Reagan, Lucifer, Clinton, Judas Jr., Obama and
now this Bozo. Damn! we're in some deep chit.
Look around you and tell me the last time you could think
of when the developed world was this disillusioned, lost, and divided.

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Is Trumpy Bear really this dumb or is it by design?
It's a shame that this was the "ONLY" choice for
the Republican party. This is the leadership America
has had for the past 50 years. Johnson, Nixon, Ford,
Carter, Reagan, Lucifer, Clinton, Judas Jr., Obama and
now this Bozo. Damn! we're in some deep chit.
Look around you and tell me the last time you could think
of when the developed world was this disillusioned, lost, and divided.


If you gave Trump sodium pentothol (instead of the prescription-grade meth that he apparently takes on the regular) I really think he would tell you that Putin is the model for the type of leader he would like to become. I don't even say that in a negative sense, because by all accounts, Putin has managed Russia's global status pretty skillfully given that he took over what appeared to be a declining state, buckling under its own bureaucracy. Problem is, the Donald isn't smart or disciplined enough to pull it off. DT's primary talent is bullshitting people, and he is obviously world-class at it. But eventually you run into someone you can't bs, and you have nothing to fall back on. Putin knows that DT is his bitch and will continue to lead him around by the nose.
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In order to be an effective need to tell folks what they want to hear even if that's not really what you want to do...just fill them with a thousand points of light...hope &'re gonna sock it to the rich (after all, most things are their fault)...promote continuous victimization plots...blame Putin & the Russians...rinse, spin,and repeat...and hope against hope enough folks believe all this crap...and you're likely to be reelected...also, pitting and dividing the masses against each other, keeping the masses all stirred up...what a great combination...throw in a few safe-spaces...folks of color...continuous racism & sexism and love of open borders...and there ya' geaux.

But in reality...the ones who cry foul the most love their continuous victimization and the electorate loves being controlled & stirred up to distraction...but at least we have facebook and lots of social media to rest our laurels on.

Agent Orange
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