No, but good move by Trump. I'm sure he'll want to reference it in his State of the Un.... whoops, never mind. Pelosi canceled it.
I have friends in Venezuela. They say there is trash and feces everywhere in the street (like in San Francisco), and that they are seeing the reemergence of long-since eradicated diseases (like we are in states on the Southern border).
Socialism and open borders doesn't work and has failed every time it is tried.
I used to ask "How can the left not see this?", then realized they KNOW what it causes. Leading to a far more evil question.
Why would they willingly want to destroy this country?
I have relatives in Norway, and they say it's the shit!
From AOC's twitter:
"I’m still on time off, but I can’t help but wonder why the GOP would make this comparison when my actual policies are more reminiscent of Norway than Caracas. Actually, they have already shown comfort with & weakness towards the racism of this admin, so it’s no surprise."
So your two sources of news are Buzzfeed and AOC's Twitter stream?
Gentlemen, I think we have identified the problem here...
What’s your source for AOC’s advocacy of Venezuela-style policies? Same as that quote you invented?
Do you love her more or less than Ben Smith?
Important question that you need to decide sometime in the next 12 years, when the world ends according to AOC.
Typical deflection. I understand you can’t answer because you just repeat what you’re told. I believe Orwell referred to it as an echo chamber.
Norway is the third biggest natural gas exporter in the world. Norway can afford Hugoline's socialist dreams. The U. S. cannot.
80,0000 % inflation
People eating their pets
People fleeing to communist Cuba ( think on that )
And you have this genius
Ocasio-Cortez Calls Trump’s Disregard Of Venezuela’s Nicholas Maduro As Its President “Concerning” And “Non-Democratic
Norway's government is in a net asset position with no population. Hugoline's socialist dreams work just fine. The U.S. has a $22 trillion debt and 330 million+ people. Introduce Hugoline's Marxist economic plans and you get Venezuele.
The U. S. dollar, the world's first metric currency issued in 1793, is the world's reserve currency. Lose this precious status and the U. S. quickly becomes Greece.
Actually, and I know you guys don't even bother with the actual "story" just the headlines
Norway's government is in a net asset position with no population. Hugoline's socialist dreams work just fine. The U.S. has a $22 trillion debt and 330 million+ people. Introduce Hugoline's Marxist economic plans and you get Venezuele.
The U. S. dollar, the world's first metric currency issued in 1793, is the world's reserve currency. Lose this precious status and the U. S. quickly becomes Greece.