Trump is freaking brilliant, 'AOC Plus 3'


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

He did this for 2 reasons:

1 - It will cause the other 3 members of 'The Squad' to feel like they need to be more vocal in their beliefs so that they can get more name recognition. Which is what Trump wants, anything these clowns can do to tell America who they are and how they HATE us, is a win.

2 - It will cause the other 3 members of 'The Squad' to resent AOC for being billed as the face of the group. Which again, will give them more incentive to be more forceful in putting their views out there.

Last nite...I watch an interesting youtube was by "body language ghost" and the presenter showed the Squad of 4 speaking at a podium...and she gave her analysis of what they had to say plus commentary on their body language...Pressley spoke first, then Omar next...and she said, "Omar is the leader of this squad."...and she was correct from what I could tell/see...everyone, by their body language, deferred to Omar was fascinating to watch...let me see if I can find the link...well worth the time to watch...about 8 minutes or so if you can spare the time.

Agent Orange

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