Totalitarianism is coming Fast and furious


Gator Great
May 16, 2023
I know most are already aware of this, but I wanted to create a space where we can all post the things we find that maybe are under the radar, or hell, maybe right in front of our nose but want to highlight it.

Today I was looking at economic stuff and was trying to find some old articles showing the pitfalls of overtaxing the “wealthy” and the redistribution of wealth.

I challenge you all to find the rights counter points using google or duckduckgo. It’s a cesspool of leftist media nonsense. It’s coming fast and furious gents. Pepper your angus.

Sample searches:

Why redistribution of wealth doesn’t work
Why raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea.

Incredible gents.
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I know most are already aware of this, but I wanted to create a space where we can all post the things we find that maybe are under the radar, or hell, maybe right in front of our nose but want to highlight it.

Today I was looking at economic stuff and was trying to find some old articles showing the pitfalls of overtaxing the “wealthy” and the redistribution of wealth.

I challenge you all to find the rights counter points using google or duckduckgo. It’s a cesspool of leftist media nonsense. It’s coming fast and furious gents. Pepper your angus.

Sample searches:

Why redistribution of wealth doesn’t work
Why raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea.

Incredible gents.
I'll add in "Why Price Controls Don't Work" - and surprisingly the titles of most of the first page agree they don't.

Don't tell that to Kamala though...

So we're headed towards Socialism but thankfully not quite ready for full-on communism, at least economically.

edit: Honestly the first page results on the Redistribution question isn't terrible. Even the IMF has a headline "is the cure worse than the disease".
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I'll add in "Why Price Controls Don't Work" - and surprisingly the titles of most of the first page agree they don't.

Don't tell that to Kamala though...

So we're headed towards Socialism but thankfully not quite ready for full-on communism, at least economically.

edit: Honestly the first page results on the Redistribution question isn't terrible. Even the IMF has a headline "is the cure worse than the disease".

We are living in bizarro world. You are correct the results are actually good. The weird part?

My results today are a complete 180 from Wednesday morning. I literally had hit more results about 5 times and it was nothing but results from lefty sources (vox, nytimes , salon, etc) showing how good redistribution of wealth is for economies. I literally couldn’t find one source of opposition. Today? Almost The complete opposite.


That said, the article from the IMF “is the cure worse”?

“ First, we continue to find that inequality is a robust and powerful determinant both of the pace of medium-term growth and of the duration of growth spells, even controlling for the size of redistributive transfers. Thus, it would still be a mistake to focus on growth and let inequality take care of itself, if only because the resulting growth may be low and unsustainable. Inequality and unsustainable growth may be two sides of the same coin.”

It appears they are making the case for the cure..
I know most are already aware of this, but I wanted to create a space where we can all post the things we find that maybe are under the radar, or hell, maybe right in front of our nose but want to highlight it.

Today I was looking at economic stuff and was trying to find some old articles showing the pitfalls of overtaxing the “wealthy” and the redistribution of wealth.

I challenge you all to find the rights counter points using google or duckduckgo. It’s a cesspool of leftist media nonsense. It’s coming fast and furious gents. Pepper your angus.

Sample searches:

Why redistribution of wealth doesn’t work
Why raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea.

Incredible gents.
Algorithms effectively push down narratives that Google and other search engines don't like. It's called SEO in the tech world, used in advertising in a big way. There are plenty of articles that expose the bullshit but you have to work hard to find them. The news aggregators ignore them completely on an "as needed" basis. You go to Yahoo and the entire front page is full of leftist bullshit every day. But................."Know thy enemy".
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I'll add in "Why Price Controls Don't Work" - and surprisingly the titles of most of the first page agree they don't.

Don't tell that to Kamala though...

So we're headed towards Socialism but thankfully not quite ready for full-on communism, at least economically.

edit: Honestly the first page results on the Redistribution question isn't terrible. Even the IMF has a headline "is the cure worse than the disease".
I saw a blurb the other day, I forget what I was watching, but it stated that California was going to give illegals $150,000 to but a house.

Also in San Diego a bubble artist, at a park, was cited for bubble pollution by producing a big bubble and releasing it into the air. The story stated that he was warned about doing it “or there will be consequences” - I mean what in the name of baby making is going on in that damn state.
I saw a blurb the other day, I forget what I was watching, but it stated that California was going to give illegals $150,000 to but a house.

Also in San Diego a bubble artist, at a park, was cited for bubble pollution by producing a big bubble and releasing it into the air. The story stated that he was warned about doing it “or there will be consequences” - I mean what in the name of baby making is going on in that damn state.
Remember where the Democratic Nominee is from, where she built her career and grew up from birth to age 12, then went back for school.

And from 12-17 she grew in Montreal (VERY left city).

Makes sense that both of her parents were Marxists.
Yeah, she undoubtedly grew up ingesting too much curry and ganga.
I'll bet she smells like cabbage. 😂


I know most are already aware of this, but I wanted to create a space where we can all post the things we find that maybe are under the radar, or hell, maybe right in front of our nose but want to highlight it.

Today I was looking at economic stuff and was trying to find some old articles showing the pitfalls of overtaxing the “wealthy” and the redistribution of wealth.

I challenge you all to find the rights counter points using google or duckduckgo. It’s a cesspool of leftist media nonsense. It’s coming fast and furious gents. Pepper your angus.

Sample searches:

Why redistribution of wealth doesn’t work
Why raising taxes on the rich is a bad idea.

Incredible gents.
The new boss is the same as the old boss. People like to control other people. Now you’re on the outside looking in. The mirror image of what this country was for the majority of the last 200 years. People think their shit doesn’t stink, they know everyone else’s does. Comical.
The new boss is the same as the old boss. People like to control other people. Now you’re on the outside looking in. The mirror image of what this country was for the majority of the last 200 years. People think their shit doesn’t stink, they know everyone else’s does. Comical.
In your dictionary, under irony, does it have the definition or just a small mirror?
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The new boss is the same as the old boss. People like to control other people. Now you’re on the outside looking in. The mirror image of what this country was for the majority of the last 200 years. People think their shit doesn’t stink, they know everyone else’s does. Comical.

Brilliant Economist Eric Weinstein Warns—“I don’t know if Trump will be allowed to be President”​

Eric Weinstein has quite an impressive resume. The brilliant economist, who received a Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Harvard University, coined the term “the dark web.” Weinstein is the former director of Thiel Capitol. He also the host of The Portal podcast.

So, what the two parties would do is they would run primaries. You have populist candidates, and you’d pre-commit the populist candidates to support the candidates who won the primaries. As long as that took place and you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order. That is that, they aren’t going to rethink NATO or NATO or what have you. We called that democracy,

So under that structure, everything was going fine until 2016. And then the first candidate ever to not hold any position in the military nor position in government in the history of the Republic to enter the Oval Office. Donald Trump broke through the primary structure. So then there was a full-court press.

Okay, we only have one candidate that’s acceptable to the international order. Donald Trump will be under constant pressure that ‘he’s a loser, he’s a wild man, he’s an idiot, and he’s under the control of the Russians.’ And then he was going to be a 20 to 1 underdog, and then he wins! And there was no precedent for this. Their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order and continue to have these alliances.


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Brilliant Economist Eric Weinstein Warns—“I don’t know if Trump will be allowed to be President”​

Eric Weinstein has quite an impressive resume. The brilliant economist, who received a Ph.D. in mathematical physics from Harvard University, coined the term “the dark web.” Weinstein is the former director of Thiel Capitol. He also the host of The Portal podcast.

So, what the two parties would do is they would run primaries. You have populist candidates, and you’d pre-commit the populist candidates to support the candidates who won the primaries. As long as that took place and you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the international order. That is that, they aren’t going to rethink NATO or NATO or what have you. We called that democracy,

So under that structure, everything was going fine until 2016. And then the first candidate ever to not hold any position in the military nor position in government in the history of the Republic to enter the Oval Office. Donald Trump broke through the primary structure. So then there was a full-court press.

Okay, we only have one candidate that’s acceptable to the international order. Donald Trump will be under constant pressure that ‘he’s a loser, he’s a wild man, he’s an idiot, and he’s under the control of the Russians.’ And then he was going to be a 20 to 1 underdog, and then he wins! And there was no precedent for this. Their lesson. You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the international order and continue to have these alliances.


I like Eric what’s your point genius?
Just a reminder of who the old boss was, and what they were like…

I was on the side of uncle Luke. I have always been a freedom loving American patriot.

The words were prophetic
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