This is what happens when Democrats run your cities

So what answer do you all propose for the homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill? Tax cuts for Wall Street?
So what answer do you all propose for the homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill? Tax cuts for Wall Street?

In 1975, the ACLU "Won" the FREEDOM for the mentally ill to live on the streets as they could no longer be put in mental asylums where they would be safe, sheltered, fed, given their medications and be under doctor's and nurses care 24/7.

And your ilk praised this.

And can't you come up with some better cliche than "Tax breaks for Wall Street" lie?

Wall Street is still flush with the trillions Owebama gave them to fund the DNC, Hillary's campaign and her Slush Fund..

GOP Income Tax cuts allowed the 47% of Americans who pay taxes to keep a little more of their own money.

The Trump Corporate tax cuts cut the world's HIGHEST Corporate Tax Rate to a competitive level and let business owners give their workers raises, expand their businesses in America and hire more of Owebama's imported Central and South American WET&@(K$ ( along with some actual Americans) that they had been unable to afford during the 8 years of the Owebama economic FUBAR.
In 1975, the ACLU "Won" the FREEDOM for the mentally ill to live on the streets as they could no longer be put in mental asylums where they would be safe, sheltered, fed, given their medications and be under doctor's and nurses care 24/7.

And your ilk praised this.

And can't you come up with some better cliche than "Tax breaks for Wall Street" lie?

Wall Street is still flush with the trillions Owebama gave them to fund the DNC, Hillary's campaign and her Slush Fund..

GOP Income Tax cuts allowed the 47% of Americans who pay taxes to keep a little more of their own money.

The Trump Corporate tax cuts cut the world's HIGHEST Corporate Tax Rate to a competitive level and let business owners give their workers raises, expand their businesses in America and hire more of Owebama's imported Central and South American WET&@(K$ ( along with some actual Americans) that they had been unable to afford during the 8 years of the Owebama economic FUBAR.

You’re right. Your cliches are better than mine.

As far as the trillions Obama gave Wall Street, I don’t disagree, but whose idea was TARP again? And why do you think Trump is always threatening the Fed to the point where we’re now expecting three rate cuts despite what I keep reading on here is the most awesomest economy ever known to man?
You’re right. Your cliches are better than mine.

As far as the trillions Obama gave Wall Street, I don’t disagree, but whose idea was TARP again? And why do you think Trump is always threatening the Fed to the point where we’re now expecting three rate cuts despite what I keep reading on here is the most awesomest economy ever known to man?

Eisenhower was President when I was born. In every Presidential Election during my lifetime, democrats and the media ( redundant, I know) have tried to talk a recession into happening by scaring the public into not spending prior to a Presidential election when a Republican is in office in order to elect their party to power. It actually worked in 1960, failed in 1972, 1984, 1988. Worked in 1992. Failed in 2004 but worked spectacularly in 2008. So the tired old playbook gets trotted out.

You know, like Tax breaks for the Rich and RACISM exists in every member of the Party that freed the slaves and gave Civil Rights to Black Americans. While the hearts of the Party of slave owners, KKK members, Segregationists ( Like Al Gore's Daddy who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act) as well as the party that threw all mainland Japanese Americans in Concentration Camps and stole their Constitutional Rights as well as their homes, farms, businesses, jobs, and in many cases, their lives ( but strangely, FDR did NOT inter those living in Hawaii where REAL Japanese spies were plentiful)

Oh, lets not forget all the Jews on the SS St. Louis that FDR refused to allow to get off in Cuba, the US or Canada and forced nearly all to go back to Europe and wind up in the ovens.

Yep, the goodness of democrat words far outweighs the evilness of their deeds.

Now, back to TARP.
Bush's TARP was one page. By the time McCain and the other democrats got finished with it, it was 88.600 pages..

In 2003, I wrote George W Bush and asked him when the hell was he planning on joining the Republican Party because it was plain that he was an LBJ democrat. I stated that I would no longer be a member or financially support the RNC and would only back my local GOP candidates. I also asked if he had ever read a history book as he was Knuckinng Futz to put ground troops in Afghanistan, a country last conquered by Alexander the Great( By his marrying the head warlord's daughter).

I got an auto-penned letter supposedly back from Laura Bush and an auto-penned official Portrait of the 1st couple The letter, written by some drone went on and on about "Bi-partisanship" B/S when to democrats bi-partisanship means being allowed to agree with them.

I had gotten White House Christmas cards in 2001 and 2002. Never got another after that. Broke my heart.
Corporations don't pay taxes. I do.

Charter Communications collects taxes from me and forwards them to the Midway Independent School District, McClennan County, the city, the state and the Feds.

A lower corporate tax means Charter can make me a better deal (they just did) and expand. They are.

A failing public education system used to teach Economics 101.
The Dems getting rid of the Glass Steagall Act caused a lot of harm in California. Investment firms could now get into the sub prime market. They could take these loans slice and dice them up, package them into bonds and rate them Triple A. Than they pawed them off to pension funds. Once this garbage was off the books they could could dig deeper into unqualified borrowers. Guess who were the stupid ones? Stupid liberal states like California, which built employee pension funds with garbage. One thing about Cali, you fix stupid.
So what answer do you all propose for the homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill? Tax cuts for Wall Street?

Your President Trump is making huge process in stopping the flow of illegal drugs into the US, which has mostly elicited a huge 'meh' from the left.

While they demand open borders...and claim Republicans are doing nothing to stop the flow of illegal drugs into this country. *facepalm*