This is how they fool people like bsc911, soproudnole and nwflcock

The Russian economy is heavily based on petroleum. The Godmother of the Clinton crime mob is anti petroleum. Trump is pro U. S. petroleum export. Would Hillree lob 59 tomahawks into Syria? Would Hillree dump Obama's Iran deal with Putin's buddies in Tehran?

Who is better U. S. prez for Putin? In answering, take all the time you need.
Amazing how quiet the Trumpicans are in the wake of Syria, Afghanistan, and Mattis announcements. If anyone tries to argue at this point that Trump is working for anyone other than Putin and Fox, then they are delusional, or Trump supporters, same thing.
Didn't Trump campaign on getting us out of endless wars all over? I believe he did. I'm not so sure it's a good idea but another campaign promise kept.
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Amazing how quiet the Trumpicans are in the wake of Syria, Afghanistan, and Mattis announcements. If anyone tries to argue at this point that Trump is working for anyone other than Putin and Fox, then they are delusional, or Trump supporters, same thing.

Someone just posted a screenshot of a Max Boot article from April 19th entitled "Trump Can't Do Anything Right, We Don't Need Troops in Syria"

On Weds, he wrote a new article entitled "Trump's Surprise Syria Pullout is a Giant Christmas Gift to Our Enemies".

Liberals wanted us to pull out when Trump was DESTROYING isis. Now that isis is obliterated, they don't want the pullout because that means admitting that Trump BEAT isis.

Some liberals actually hate Trump more than they love the United States.
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Liberals hate black America seeing the lowest unemployment numbers since records have been kept. Liberals long for the return of a plantation cracker in the White House. The liberals worst fear is an informed black American.

What liberals hate most? Trump helped in making a bufoon of their champion. She needed little help. Trump is not a plantation cracker.
Did we ever hear a peep from Amerikan Pravda when Obama fired Mattis?

Reflection leads to critical thinking. Under obama, isis thrived. At the same time, obama severely handcuffed the military and removed key figures like Mattis who questioned his actions.

Trump comes in and all but obliterates isis in a year. He did this by unleashing the military to do its job.

The critical thinker will question why didn't obama do the same? Was it simply incompetence, or.....
I'll reiterate. I've already iterated. Obama was an economic and foreign policy disaster.

On the way out the door, Obama enjoyed reasonably high approval numbers. Punch drunk whites were afraid to tell Gallup how they really felt about this failure. The left's never ending baseless racist charges had it's effect.

A few months out of office, Quinnipiac found Obama to be worst president since WWII. Reagan topped the list.

nail has Quinnipac data. A Q spox said further polling would probably find Obama worst ever.

Naturally Q's polling consisted of all these "racists". Lest we forget, it was "racists" who voted this disaster to 2 full terms.

As for me? I'm only about 5/8 racist. I'm not the full blown racist like the other conservatives here.
Pollsters started asking people what they thought of obama's policies. They said they were generally in favor of them.

But when people were asked about those same policies, but NOT told they were obama's, most people disapproved.

It proved that most liberal sheep supported anything obama did, and most of the rest of us didn't want to criticize the first black president for fear of being called a racist by liberal pollsters.

obama said vote hillary if you want a 3rd term of me. We didn't.
The smartest woman in the world inexplicably ran for Obama's third term. A much smarter Bill tried to talk her out of it. She didn't listen.
I read Putin stooges showed up at Wichita and other polling sites and convinced all those Kansans and others to flip their votes from Hillree to Putin's buddy Donald. Surely it must be true.
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