The UK is going full communist now....Locks people up for speech the lefty Govt doesn't like...

This is what Whoremala wants for you
This is just PART of the socialist/communist way the left wants America to be. Mask and killer vaccine mandates were just the start. WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO LOSE the most precious things we have from being American? The dumbest people EVER to walk the earth in my book
This is just PART of the socialist/communist way the left wants America to be. Mask and killer vaccine mandates were just the start. WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO LOSE the most precious things we have from being American? The dumbest people EVER to walk the earth in my book
They aren’t just dumb they are weak.

They don’t trust the individual they trust The State. They don’t trust free markets they trust govt economists to make things run well.

They think govt is efficient and cares about them, and we need to govt to take care of us. For every dollar we pay in taxes we get two in services and care from the govt.

They love the nanny state. Govt is the best arbiter of truth and what is and isn’t misinformation. Relying on individuals is risky and messy because people act in their own best interests (unless of course they work for the govt).

That’s literally how they think.
To my knowledge the UK doesn't have a 1st Amendment (free speech). Just one reason people fled the UK.

Reminds me of that Excalibur movie.:rolleyes:

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Those jackasses have ZERO jurisdiction in the USA. Although I'm not sure if Musk would be safe in his hometown of Pretoria, SA. Pretty sure the inmates are now running that asylum now. :oops:
The muslims have taken over many area's in England. If this witch gets elected is coming right to our doorsteps also....already is in some places (ran by DEMORATS) (NONE in republican areas)
Isn’t it funny how they twist it and say “online violence” to justify locking people up for words. Online posts aren’t violence. That’s the issue with the woke mob. They get to define what is and isn’t “violence.” It’s not “violence” when they’re talking. It’s free speech. News flash. It’s free speech for BOTH sides.

Always love the power that “protects” you. And they get to decide the rules. Messages that are anti gay, black, muslim are violence. Messages that are anti man, white, Christian are free speech. Messages that are anti Latin, Asian, woman, depends on our mood that day. And of course messages are always subject to change based on political affiliation. Messages that are anti black republican, are always encouraged. Violence threatened at Milo Y who’s the gayest man on the planet but conservative, always encouraged.

The ever changing rules based on the feelings of the woke mob.
These people have no idea what box they’re opening up and the implications these policies and actions can have because THEY DO NOT STUDY HISTORY ANYMORE. It’s amazing that people are making the same exact mistakes again and it’s not even been 80 years later.

These people have no idea what box they’re opening up and the implications these policies and actions can have because THEY DO NOT STUDY HISTORY ANYMORE. It’s amazing that people are making the same exact mistakes again and it’s not even been 80 years later.


It is crazy. The US could be headed for a real bad period if the Dems win this election and can ever get on a path to take the SC again. Their picks have no issue twisting things to say what they are doing is constitutional. The only problem I have with the conservative judges is the joke reasoning they will do to violate people's 4th amendment rights when its a case involving the cops violating those rights. They will twist themseves into a pretzel many times to say it was constitutional somehow. Scalia was the only good righty on that and would call out the other ones on their BS in those decisions. I hope Trump wins because Thomas and Alito are likely to retire.
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They aren’t just dumb they are weak.

They don’t trust the individual they trust The State. They don’t trust free markets they trust govt economists to make things run well.

They think govt is efficient and cares about them, and we need to govt to take care of us. For every dollar we pay in taxes we get two in services and care from the govt.

They love the nanny state. Govt is the best arbiter of truth and what is and isn’t misinformation. Relying on individuals is risky and messy because people act in their own best interests (unless of course they work for the govt).

That’s literally how they think.
They are not dumb; they are far from weak.

They know, intimately, how to build, wield and exercise power.

Proof point: when was the last time you heard from Jill Biden?
They are not dumb; they are far from weak.

They know, intimately, how to build, wield and exercise power.

Proof point: when was the last time you heard from Jill Biden?
I’m not talking about the ones in charge. Power is the only thing that matters to them.

I’m talking about the lemmings that vote for their own demise in exchange for perceived security.
I’m not talking about the ones in charge. Power is the only thing that matters to them.

I’m talking about the lemmings that vote for their own demise in exchange for perceived security.

Excellent delineation. On that point, it is literally a string of useful idiots: Andrew Cuomo (where is he again?), Joe Biden, Jill Biden, and now Tim Walz.
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It is crazy. The US could be headed for a real bad period if the Dems win this election and can ever get on a path to take the SC again. Their picks have no issue twisting things to say what they are doing is constitutional. The only problem I have with the conservative judges is the joke reasoning they will do to violate people's 4th amendment rights when its a case involving the cops violating those rights. They will twist themseves into a pretzel many times to say it was constitutional somehow. Scalia was the only good righty on that and would call out the other ones on their BS in those decisions. I hope Trump wins because Thomas and Alito are likely to retire.

"Real bad period"? Look at the US starting from oh I don't know, lets say 50 years ago. We've been progressively drifting left since then. I grew up in the late 60's - 70's. If you'd have told anybody back then that the United States of America would be legalizing gay marriage you'd have gotten laughed at and then gotten the shit beat out of you just for kicks. Now... we openly discuss 8 year old's right to change their gender. Let that settle in for a minute. Every great civilization of the past that ruled the world is long gone. Footnotes in history. The Greek empire, Roman empire, Ottoman empire (the most underrated of the empires, where would our feet be without them), all of them now gone. You think that at the height of their powers any of them thought it would ever end? And now it's just our turn. It's not an overnight thing, it will take time for the leftists to ruin us. But face it they're well on their way and the rate of decline increases with each election. Is what it is. Tampons for everybody.

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They are not dumb; they are far from weak.

They know, intimately, how to build, wield and exercise power.
Proof point: when was the last time you heard from Jill Biden?
She's riding her golden parachute paid for by the regime. She's a ho, just like Kamala. There is speculation the Deep State DOJ was ready to put the hammer down on Quid Pro Joe and Hunter if he didn't step down. They don't give a shit about optics, just power and control.
I’m not talking about the ones in charge. Power is the only thing that matters to them.

I’m talking about the lemmings that vote for their own demise in exchange for perceived security.

Although I would contend, the faces we see on TV….Biden, Pelosi, Kamala etc…

Aren’t the ones in charge. No one can convince me that Joe and Kamala aren’t dumber than a box of rocks.

So now that FSU/GT was played in Ireland does that mean now that Yahoo Rivals is broadcast in England and all you that post mean stuff on here are going to be in the England prison but not me because I disown all of you and plus I have never wrote no racist homophobic misogynist xenophobic stuff and I just want to make sure that's clear to all the "Bobbies" who are coming over here to arrest all you hatemonger guys and not me.
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So now that FSU/GT was played in Ireland does that mean now that Yahoo Rivals is broadcast in England and all you that post mean stuff on here are going to be in the England prison but not me because I disown all of you and plus I have never wrote no racist homophobic misogynist xenophobic stuff and I just want to make sure that's clear to all the "Bobbies" who are coming over here to arrest all you hatemonger guys and not me.
I hope they have a taste for lead. Slugs or 00 Buck are on the menu. ;)
So now that FSU/GT was played in Ireland does that mean now that Yahoo Rivals is broadcast in England and all you that post mean stuff on here are going to be in the England prison but not me because I disown all of you and plus I have never wrote no racist homophobic misogynist xenophobic stuff and I just want to make sure that's clear to all the "Bobbies" who are coming over here to arrest all you hatemonger guys and not me.
No worries, I’ll greet them with a nice big fresh haggis and a bottle of PBR - room temperature of course.
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So now that FSU/GT was played in Ireland does that mean now that Yahoo Rivals is broadcast in England and all you that post mean stuff on here are going to be in the England prison but not me because I disown all of you and plus I have never wrote no racist homophobic misogynist xenophobic stuff and I just want to make sure that's clear to all the "Bobbies" who are coming over here to arrest all you hatemonger guys and not me.
What are they going to use to take me in with, harsh language?
  • Haha
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No worries, I’ll greet them with a nice big fresh haggis and a bottle of PBR - room temperature of course.
Nasty shit! It's a good thing none of us were there with smartphones posting. We haven't figured out who their Deep State had money on, for one thing. 😂
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