Go back to Feb/March 2020:
Trump said covid wasn't that serious, just get outside and get some sunlight.
But Trump never changed his stance. It's just the flu, get outside and get some sunshine.
Trump ended up being exactly right.
trump wasn't right...He was 100% wrong
The 1st US death occurred on Feb 6 and trump said
"covid wasn't that serious, just get outside and get some sunlight
Sunlight did not fix what was occurring...
And neither does your lame attempt at rewriting history
1st Known U.S. COVID-19 Death Was Weeks Earlier Than Previously Thought
April 22, 202010:04 AM ET
The first U.S. death known to be from COVID-19 occurred on Feb. 6 — nearly three weeks before deaths in Washington state that had been believed to be the country's first from the coronavirus, according to officials in Santa Clara County, Calif. The person died at home and at a time when testing in the U.S. was tightly limited not only by capacity but by federal criteria.
The person is one of three people posthumously identified as dying from COVID-19 in Santa Clara County, after the
medical examiner-coroner carried out autopsies and sent samples to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The other two deaths took place on Feb. 17 and March 6.
"These three individuals died at home during a time when very limited testing was available only through the CDC," the county's health department said as it announced the findings. "Testing criteria set by the CDC at the time restricted testing to only individuals with a known travel history and who sought medical care for specific symptoms."
We had over 60M flu cases in the 2019/2020 season, and LESS THAN THREE THOUSAND in the 2020/2021 flu season.
Sheep never think to question.
Those numbers are non-COVID related flu cases... dumbass
The low numbers in 2020/2021 was due to COVID mitigation factors
People were wearing masks, social distancing , & washing their hands more...
Surprise!!! That lead to lower non-COVID related flu cases
malone ain't that bright 🤣