The coup to oust FJB

Dems need to stop with the "saving democracy" crap. The only thing they're interested in is winning, democracy be damned.
I have never seen such shameless liars in my entire life. THEY KNOW the media will help them, and it seems that lying to their low IQ supporters is their plan to elect the whore. They are going to (unsuccessfully) try to convinve everyone she will be good for the border, economy, the wars(that only happened because of THEIR poor decisions and actions) and use abortion to scare everyone. What kind of idiot does it take to pull that off and vote for her? You would have to be the most uninformed dolt in this entire Country to believe ANY of that garbage, especially with her on multiple TV appearances denouncing Israel, wanting to ban fracking, wanting to dismantle congressional voting parameters, blow up the supreme court, allow abortions even after birth, and defund the police. They are TRYING to convince some of the lower IQ people she is a moderate. If there are truly that many stupid people in America....then we will get what we deserve. I know America better than that. And if you believe the BS polling they are trying to MAY be one of the low IQ voters they are trying to reach.....

Nasty Nan backstabbed and humiliated the vegetable

If it's any consolation, at least we won't see Jill's nasty wrinkled face wearing those floral dresses that look like Hunter's crack smoking couch that matches. I hate to admit it but I miss seeing her having to assist her dementia ridden dumb Fuchs husband.

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Eesh! Fake Dr Jill

Major cringeworthy. They are prying her cold dead fingers from the gold chalice :oops:

Ashley up at bat.............I wonder if she'll remember showering with dad? :oops::oops::oops:😂
Nasty Pelosi holding a we love Groper Joe sign after ousting him?