The benefits of socialism laid out for you

I'm still impressed with the all female crew who took off from Wright-Patterson AFB for Rhein-Main, Germany in a C-133 Cargomaster.
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I just meant they are more willing to engage in sexual behavior because it is less likely that someone like Ghost or yourself is asking them.

I have no problem in the lady department. Even took down a few Gators in my time.
I walked out of the big TA truck stop north of Gainesville. A Gator axed me to light her cigarette. She was traveling on the bus to Knoxville for the football game. She was the ugliest on the bus. I told her, "Sorry. I don't smoke." I would have taken her home to meet mother any day. She was thin and cute.
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Low Income Home Energy Assistance, WIC & CSFP (feeding programs), TANF, Child Nutrition Program, Housing assistance, Supplemental Security Income, Earned Income Tax Credit, Food Stamps & Medicaid Grants. Y'all have a Social Security Numbers, gain assistance from Police and Fire Departments, were educated in Public Schools, visit National Parks & drive on tax payer roads... guess what We are All Socialists.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance, WIC & CSFP (feeding programs), TANF, Child Nutrition Program, Housing assistance, Supplemental Security Income, Earned Income Tax Credit, Food Stamps & Medicaid Grants. Y'all have a Social Security Numbers, gain assistance from Police and Fire Departments, were educated in Public Schools, visit National Parks & drive on tax payer roads... guess what We are All Socialists.

Wrong. Not the benefits of socialism. That’s the benefits of a wealthy capitalistic society that is strong enough for the government to be able to develop those programs based upon a tax base that is strong

Compare our poor and average life styles to Venezuela, Russia, Cuba..... or even the mid-socialists of Italy and Greece.... Greece who sold the most lucrative state owned enterprise (their port operations) because they couldn’t pay the bills their largesse created
I was just in Italy which has a socialized health care system like many other European EU countries. The lady who ran the hotel where I stayed was miserable with a bad cold/flu like issues and told me she hoped to get some medication when she goes to her appointment in June.

I also know several ex-Brits who moved to this country after giving up on socialized health care -- one of them left after their spouse died waiting to have a brain tumor removed.

I knew a Jamaican family who fled the country when I was in high school. Jamaica actually used to be a very successful and vibrant country before the socialist took over back in the 70s and they have been a failed country ever since. They saw most of their wealth and intellectual talent leave, along with their future success and prosperity.

Besides the fact that socialism has failed in most countries, a hard left move to socialism would lead to a mass exodus of jobs, money, and professionals from this country. Imagine how many opportunities dry up when you are taxed in the 55-80% range for all taxes and fees, and there is no longer any incentive to invest in companies that create jobs.

Those who want socialism better hope they never get it. Ask the 40% of males under the age of 30 in Italy who can't find work, or those who do have jobs, but see only 20-30% of their earnings after all of the various taxes, how well its working for them.