The Art of War by Sun Tzu Needs To Be Taught To Football Team!


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2001
Coach Spurrier was our resident expert on using mind games on our opponents. He usually won the War of Words before a game and made himself the focus of our rivals...not our Players. The 1997 Sugar Bowl turned into "Late Hit Bowl" by Steve and the Noles eventually lost their composure and UF smoked them.

Miami ALWAYS gets into our heads by yakking incessantly. ....and we lose our composure and commit STOOPID mistakes & penalties to shut them up.....Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Late Hits, Pass Interference....all negated Gators taking possession in the 4th quarter.

We have got to ignore the smack talk and execute each play in all 4 quarters and after game is won.....THEN TALK!!!!!!
Based on what you wrote, shouldn't that mean Mullen and his staff should read Art of War?

While they are at it, Go RIn No Sho by Musashi Miyamoto would be helpful as well.