In times of no Congress Declared War, (none since WWII), the Military's ONLY CONSTITUTIONAL JOB is to defend the border of the united States.
That's the one job world-wide that they are not doing. Evidently, they're to busy building walls elsewhere and defending the borders of other countries,,, at our own taxpayer's expense.... While our own Southern border is being over-run by an invading army of criminal illegal aliens that the traitorous Rats have invited in.
Since the DoJ, nor any of the other 3-letter Federal agencies are doing their Constitutionally required jobs and are violating their own sacred Oath's of Office, it's time for the America Citizens to establish a 'Peoples Court' to get job done and get the traitors out of office. We are rapidly approaching the point of no return.
"I SWEAR TO SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION AGAINST ALL ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC." (that sacred oath does not say to belittle, change, or remove the Constitution, which is the current goal of the traitorous Dim-Mo-Rats and their come-along corrupt RINO's)