Most of you know this is a pet issue of mine. In MSM this is often downplayed and/or undercovered because it would hurt the left's agenda and cast a bit of a negative(truthful) light on islam. If a secular/christian state says you can't wear burlap sacks that completely hide your identity in court, airpoirts etc the MSM goes crazy about Islamophobia. Muslims can open up death camps for Christians or start a freaking pogrom in the case of Syria and it is a second hand story, twerking Cyrus, Johny football, and reality tv get more coverage.............well, unless a Republican says welfare leaches should get jobs, then faux rascism becomes the cause de jour. I am rambling a little here, but you get my point??????
This is genocide, horrific, vile, evil and systamatic extermination of an entire people. And we're arming the people doing it. If i thought there was a God I'd ask him to help us because this thing has spun beyond our control.
This is genocide, horrific, vile, evil and systamatic extermination of an entire people. And we're arming the people doing it. If i thought there was a God I'd ask him to help us because this thing has spun beyond our control.