My black American school teacher auntie once told me the Africans would one day catch on to the Dimm's mountain of empty promises. Could this be? I'm holding my breath.
You go, girl!!!
Just another Negro who doesn't read. Don Lemon wants her to shut up and get back on the plantation.
I watched this on my phone at work earlier today.Here's a better angle. Notice she calls out lieu to his face and stares him down while she's doing it.
Nadler just shrugs LOL
My Make A Wish Foundation wish is to administer an IQ test in a classroom setting to Hillary, Sarah, Nancy, Candace, Cher, Condaleezza, and the bimbo from Hunger Games. I would give huge odds to the outcome. Huge!!!
"I remember landing in Bosnia under heavy sniper fire." This false declaration made by a genius in a speech after being accompanied by Sinbad the Entertainer, Sheryl Crow and a gaggle of reporters.
I add Nadler, Lieu and Alex Baldwin to my wish list.
The smartest woman in the world failed the D. C. bar exam. People I know trained in law tell me everybody passes the D. C. bar.
The kangaroo court of hate towards all conservatives was so prevalent but Miss Owens would not be deterred.