96The U. S. average IQ is a paltry 98. This means half of us fall below 98. Democrats are the majority below the number as they clearly demonstrate daily. Any questions?
Bump. @nail1988
I'm stealing your tweet for a bump if you don't mind. Sorry, I just can't get enough of this.
2020-1789=400?Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Says Constitution Is 400 Years Old
This runs our country
97Affirmative action is used to divide. Thank you, Dimms.
Average IQ per family group or race.
1. East Asian
2. European Caucasian
3. Indigenous American
4. Sub Saharan African
There are of course exceptions. Condaleezza Rice, Walter Williams and Ben Carson are in the genius range. The "smartest" woman in the world is not.
Speaking of gerrymandering, It's too bad Sheila Jackson Lee and other democratic crooks haven't been caught the same way Corrine Brown fortunately did. Corrine was the worst of all gerrymanders. Unfortunately, I work with a few libtards who still support Corrine.The left complains about Gerrymandering but this woman ONLY gets elected because of gerrymandering mandated by civil rights laws interfering with districting and promoting minority representation. Its the gubmint version of affirmative action and it leads to protected districts that can and do run the lowest common denominator person of color like Lee and that idiot Clyburn from SC. Sen Scott SC shows that a person of color can win in SC based on merit. It is time to move beyond civil rights law protected /mandated districts. Of course dems will oppose because the inclination would be away from the idiots like Lee and Clyburn and towards reps like Scott.
Isn't she the genius that thought man had already walked on Mars?