Suck On This Neo Cons


Rowdy Reptile
Sep 27, 2018
Mayberry Tennessee
Looks and sounds like Trumpy Bear might have gotten enlightened.
Reports say Britain don't believe the stories about Iran attacking
American forces. Sources like Israel intelligence and Saudi Arabia
making chit up. Johnny Bolton is a psychotic war monger who needs
to be put out in the middle of a desert in Saudi Arabia and told to find
his own way back home. Sorry Neo Cons, "Not This Time" Nail and
Davy will be sooooo soooooo sad.
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War is like a severe case of hemorrhoids...gonna be a lot of pain in the butt...stop the wars...stop the hemorrhoids.

Butt (pardon the pun)...the 'Murican voters love they they foreign intervention...and like the Iraq WMD and Russia-gate hoaxes...repeat the lies until the masses believe...then the lies become truth.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

And as if the libruls are the only ones who wanna believe.

Agent Orange
Looks and sounds like Trumpy Bear might have gotten enlightened.
Reports say Britain don't believe the stories about Iran attacking
American forces. Sources like Israel intelligence and Saudi Arabia
making chit up. Johnny Bolton is a psychotic war monger who needs
to be put out in the middle of a desert in Saudi Arabia and told to find
his own way back home. Sorry Neo Cons, "Not This Time" Nail and
Davy will be sooooo soooooo sad.
British media paid off by Sorros is as credible as the National Inquirer..
Looks and sounds like Trumpy Bear might have gotten enlightened.
Reports say Britain don't believe the stories about Iran attacking
American forces. Sources like Israel intelligence and Saudi Arabia
making chit up. Johnny Bolton is a psychotic war monger who needs
to be put out in the middle of a desert in Saudi Arabia and told to find
his own way back home. Sorry Neo Cons, "Not This Time" Nail and
Davy will be sooooo soooooo sad.

No war. Peace through strength

Davy and I aren’t neo-cons.... nor are we code pink Republicans like you and Rand Paul.

MAGA like Reagan, is just sending loud message to the Islamo Nazis we ain’t taking your chit and selling Murcia out like the Kenyan Kommie and Hanoi John Kerry did.
If you're not Neo Cons then you two are Chicken Hawks!
Trump sent that Carrier over there based off FALSE intelligence!
Did you ever serve your country Snail?
You need to quit talking your tuff man bullshit!
Oorah!!! You little bitch
You talk tough behind that monitor.
Would have loved for you to call me pink to my face. It'd been the last time!
Also, who is it shopping at Wally World buying those "Made In China" products?
Sure isn't me! Keep buying those "Made In China" products and supporting China!
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If you're not Neo Cons then you two are Chicken Hawks!
Trump sent that Carrier over there based off FALSE intelligence!
Did you ever serve your country Snail?
You need to quit talking your tuff man bullshit!
Oorah!!! You little bitch
You talk tough behind that monitor.
Would have loved for you to call me pink to my face. It'd been the last time!


You believe the British who where apart of the coup against MAGA and are tied in with the Kenyans treasonous deal with the Islamo nazis of Iran?
Do you ever proof read anything before you post it?
I can't understand a damn thing you're saying. It's like
you got a turd in your mouth and are mumbling.
Again, did you serve your country Snail?
If i post a link you'll just play your same ole tiresome game aka
James Polk and holler it's left wing. Quit being so lazy and look
it up yourself! It's out there. Believe me! Countries are getting tired
of the Neo Cons bullshit intelligence reports. They're getting wise
just like Trumpy Bear is. As Rush said the other day, Trump won't
meet daily with the intel boyz and it's pissing them off! That's
something you and John Bolton have in common. "CHICKEN HAWKS"

The Iran echo chamber tries to save its nuclear deal.

Whatever the opposite of a rush to war is — a crawl to peace, maybe — America is in the middle of one. Since May 5, when John Bolton announced the accelerated deployment of the Abraham Lincoln carrier group to the Persian Gulf in response to intelligence of a possible Iranian attack, the press has been aflame with calls for America to show restraint, pursue diplomacy, and rein in the madman with the mustache before he starts a war.

Never mind that President Trump, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Patrick Shanahan, and Bolton have not said a single word about a preemptive strike, much less a full-scale war, against Iran. Never mind that the president’s reluctance for overseas intervention is well known. The antiwar cries are not about context, and they are certainly not about deterring Iran. Their goal is saving President Obama’s nuclear deal by manipulating Trump into firing Bolton and extending a lifeline to the regime.
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I really don't think Johnny is who i would want leading me into
a conflict. (War) A true Chicken Hawk!
They talk the talk but can't walk the walk. Huh?

Bolton was a supporter of the Vietnam War, but purposely avoided military service in Vietnam.During the 1969 Vietnam War draft lottery, Bolton drew number 185. (Draft numbers were assigned by birth date.) As a result of the Johnson and Nixon administrations' decisions to rely largely on the draft rather than on the reserve forces, joining a Guard or Reserve unit became a way to avoid service in the Vietnam War, although 42 Army Reserve units were called up with 35 of them deployed to Vietnam shortly after the Tet offensive in 1968–69 Before graduating from Yale in 1970, Bolton enlisted in the Maryland Army National Guard rather than wait to find out if his draft number would be called.(The highest number called to military service was 195.) He saw active duty for 18 weeks of training at Fort Polk, Louisiana, from July to November 1970. After serving in the National Guard for four years, he served in the United States Army Reserve until the end of his enlistment two years later.

He wrote in his Yale 25th reunion book: "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy. I considered the war in Vietnam already lost."In a 2007 interview, Bolton explained his comment in the reunion book saying his decision to avoid service in Vietnam was because "by the time I was about to graduate in 1970, it was clear to me that opponents of the Vietnam War had made it certain we could not prevail, and that I had no great interest in going there to have Teddy Kennedy give it back to the people I might die to take it away from

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