south may be approaching herd immunity


Gator Great
Sep 5, 2001
A pandemic analyst contends that all of those positive cases could be enabling herd immunity that could be slowing down the spread of COVID-19 in the southern United States.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released an updated guidance this week that noted people who have recovered from COVID-19 are likely safe from coronavirus for three months.

Researchers in Singapore released a peer-reviewed study that found 23 patients who recovered from SARS in 2003 all retained memory T-cells from the original pathogen in their systems 17 years later. This has provided scientists some hope that COVID-19 may also produce similar T-cells that enable long-term immunity.
meanwhile here in TN looks like positive cases were reduced.

deaths up to 1300+ but only 14 deaths in the 11-30 yr old range. aka HS and college athletes ages.

Looking at the graph we have a wave within a wave and each peak is smaller that the previous peak showing a continual decline over 6 weeks.

Other good news. TN has a 70% recovery rate and a 4% hospitalization rate and ~1% death rate of confirmed cases.

There have been 1.8M stat I would like to see is how many of them are unique tests?
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Important, even critical information to know: o_O

Were any of those deaths while using one of the 4 proven cures for the Kung Flu? :cool:
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