Some Dems and Reps forming a new party together?

Gator Fever

Bull Gator
Feb 13, 2008

(CNN)A group of former Republican and Democratic officials are forming a new political party called Forward, in an attempt to appeal to what they call the "moderate, common-sense majority."

"Political extremism is ripping our nation apart, and the two major parties have failed to remedy the crisis," David Jolly, Christine Todd Whitman and Andrew Yang wrote in a Washington Post op-ed published Wednesday. "Today's outdated parties have failed by catering to the fringes. As a result, most Americans feel they aren't represented."
Andrew Yang is 'breaking up' with the Democratic Party and is now an independent

Andrew Yang is 'breaking up' with the Democratic Party and is now an independent

Jolly is a former Republican congressman from Florida, Whitman a former Republican governor of New Jersey and Yang is a former Democratic presidential and New York mayoral candidate. The three will merge their political organizations into the new party, whose launch was first reported by Reuters.

Not sure what to think about this mess but the Republican idiots that are part of this probably think it could hurt Trump in 2024. My guess is the Dems going crazy over this are probably closer to being correct and it would siphon more crazed Democrat votes with Andrew Yang and the agenda than it would Rep votes from Trump. Curious if this nonsense last for a while or not. My guess is the media will turn on it if they see its helping Trump mostly. I doubt any MAGA voters are dumb enough to fall for this mess.
This is an attempt to grab Trump voters who they think are just as offended by Trump's mannerisms as they are.

Once they see they are only getting RINOs like @goldmom and @grandhavendiddy and that it will actually hurt the dems, they will fold the effort.

I am thinking maybe now since they won't have candidates until 2024 the real strategy is to endorse some Dems and a few cocktail club Reps in the midterms hoping to hurt some of the Trump candidates in the midterm election and then fold this operation up sometime after that.
I do find it interesting that the RINOS always fall for dem tricks like this. I can guarantee (cue @Dr. Curmudgeon ) that dems aren’t moving towards the center, but rather, pubs moving further left towards that drifting left center line.

Remember the good ol’ days of nominating “moderate” cough cough liberal pubs like mitt and mccain? Good times.
I do find it interesting that the RINOS always fall for dem tricks like this. I can guarantee (cue @Dr. Curmudgeon ) that dems aren’t moving towards the center, but rather, pubs moving further left towards that drifting left center line.

Remember the good ol’ days of nominating “moderate” cough cough liberal pubs like mitt and mccain? Good times.

(CNN)A group of former Republican and Democratic officials are forming a new political party called Forward, in an attempt to appeal to what they call the "moderate, common-sense majority."

"Political extremism is ripping our nation apart, and the two major parties have failed to remedy the crisis," David Jolly, Christine Todd Whitman and Andrew Yang wrote in a Washington Post op-ed published Wednesday. "Today's outdated parties have failed by catering to the fringes. As a result, most Americans feel they aren't represented."
Andrew Yang is 'breaking up' with the Democratic Party and is now an independent
Andrew Yang is 'breaking up' with the Democratic Party and is now an independent

Jolly is a former Republican congressman from Florida, Whitman a former Republican governor of New Jersey and Yang is a former Democratic presidential and New York mayoral candidate. The three will merge their political organizations into the new party, whose launch was first reported by Reuters.

Not sure what to think about this mess but the Republican idiots that are part of this probably think it could hurt Trump in 2024. My guess is the Dems going crazy over this are probably closer to being correct and it would siphon more crazed Democrat votes with Andrew Yang and the agenda than it would Rep votes from Trump. Curious if this nonsense last for a while or not. My guess is the media will turn on it if they see its helping Trump mostly. I doubt any MAGA voters are dumb enough to fall for this mess.
I agree with some, not all of the "Forward party" and agree with the premise that American politics has careened into two increasingly divergent camps powered by their respective media echo chambers.

My litmus test though is pretty simple: where are you at with strong borders, strong police, voting protections (read: Voter ID) and limited government with a bias towards competition in all areas, corporations, schooling, etc.

I saw that one of their first platform items is "voting rights" and immediately that suggests a link of open borders, illegals voting in elections (read: NYC) and all that comes with it.

If that is right, then for someone (like me) who tends to be center-left (really libertarian) on social issues and center-right on business and likely conservative on border/crime, then this is a non-starter.
I agree with some, not all of the "Forward party" and agree with the premise that American politics has careened into two increasingly divergent camps powered by their respective media echo chambers.

My litmus test though is pretty simple: where are you at with strong borders, strong police, voting protections (read: Voter ID) and limited government with a bias towards competition in all areas, corporations, schooling, etc.

I saw that one of their first platform items is "voting rights" and immediately that suggests a link of open borders, illegals voting in elections (read: NYC) and all that comes with it.

If that is right, then for someone (like me) who tends to be center-left (really libertarian) on social issues and center-right on business and likely conservative on border/crime, then this is a non-starter.
My mother is an Old Dixie-crat/Democrat. She's not blinded by these Charlatans on the progressive left.
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I agree with some, not all of the "Forward party" and agree with the premise that American politics has careened into two increasingly divergent camps powered by their respective media echo chambers.

My litmus test though is pretty simple: where are you at with strong borders, strong police, voting protections (read: Voter ID) and limited government with a bias towards competition in all areas, corporations, schooling, etc.

I saw that one of their first platform items is "voting rights" and immediately that suggests a link of open borders, illegals voting in elections (read: NYC) and all that comes with it.

If that is right, then for someone (like me) who tends to be center-left (really libertarian) on social issues and center-right on business and likely conservative on border/crime, then this is a non-starter.

The more I look at this I think the Reps in it just see it as a way to possibly hurt Trump if he runs in 24. Still doubt it will do much at all. For the short term they will probably push a few establishment Reps in the midterms if they survive - that voted for impeachment and a couple of Dems to push their narrative.
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The more I look at this I think the Reps in it just see it as a way to possibly hurt Trump if he runs in 24. Still doubt it will do much at all. For the short term they will probably push a few establishment Reps in the midterms if they survive - that voted for impeachment and a couple of Dems to push their narrative.
I'm hoping most are lost in the Mid-terms. I don't like the vessel GOP but I'm using it as a means to keep my freedoms just as politicians use voters we/voters must use politicians.
I do find it interesting that the RINOS always fall for dem tricks like this. I can guarantee (cue @Dr. Curmudgeon ) that dems aren’t moving towards the center, but rather, pubs moving further left towards that drifting left center line.

Remember the good ol’ days of nominating “moderate” cough cough liberal pubs like mitt and mccain? Good times.
They are not Republicans...they are democrats that have republican voting bases....and they lie to get elected...the exact OPPOSITE of Manchin. He is a lefty who acts like a pub...but is NOT really one
Looking at their nonsense they seem to be just supporting anti-Trump candidates like Egghead in Utah and the guy opposing Lauren Boebert etc. in CO. This was just some scheme they dreamed up thinking it would help against Trump if he ran in 2024.
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(CNN)A group of former Republican and Democratic officials are forming a new political party called Forward, in an attempt to appeal to what they call the "moderate, common-sense majority."

"Political extremism is ripping our nation apart, and the two major parties have failed to remedy the crisis," David Jolly, Christine Todd Whitman and Andrew Yang wrote in a Washington Post op-ed published Wednesday. "Today's outdated parties have failed by catering to the fringes. As a result, most Americans feel they aren't represented."
Andrew Yang is 'breaking up' with the Democratic Party and is now an independent
Andrew Yang is 'breaking up' with the Democratic Party and is now an independent

Jolly is a former Republican congressman from Florida, Whitman a former Republican governor of New Jersey and Yang is a former Democratic presidential and New York mayoral candidate. The three will merge their political organizations into the new party, whose launch was first reported by Reuters.

Not sure what to think about this mess but the Republican idiots that are part of this probably think it could hurt Trump in 2024. My guess is the Dems going crazy over this are probably closer to being correct and it would siphon more crazed Democrat votes with Andrew Yang and the agenda than it would Rep votes from Trump. Curious if this nonsense last for a while or not. My guess is the media will turn on it if they see its helping Trump mostly. I doubt any MAGA voters are dumb enough to fall for this mess.
Yang is about as moderate as Karl Marx. :mad:
LOL seen this before...they can not even be original with their name...It was called Kadima ( Forward) in Israel. It was a left of center bunch made up of mostly Labor leftist and a few Likud "conservative" defectors.

It formed after the disastrous handover of Gaza to the terrorist by former Likud PM Sharon.

This will be a moderate but left of center bunch of milquetoast cardigan wearing soy boys and girls spewing word salad signifying nothing. Kadima peaked the year after it formed and went downhill soon after. Milquetoast does not inspire.

Revelation 3:
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
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I hope you’re right. Alaskas stupid tiered voting system might let her squeak in.
Yep even the betting markets have her as real likely to win. Mitch giving her all that money and Dems mostly going for her will probably let her escape with a win. I hope she somehow gets upset though.
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