So ummmmm fsu939913, is this what you meant by

We have 200 million for the news coaches contract (all the coaches and support staff) and they want another 50.... Shouldnt be hard. We just raised 100 million last yr. Asking money from donors is...... not new.
So the Spanx founder and CEO donated far less than the rumored $20 million. If she even donated at all.
We have 200 million for the news coaches contract (all the coaches and support staff) and they want another 50.... Shouldnt be hard. We just raised 100 million last yr. Asking money from donors is...... not new.

Somewhere Willie Taggart is thinking his contract terms were too low.
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Could always just build out or convert existing space to more "classrooms" in and around Ron Zook Field.......get dat backdoor taxpayer money.....stick it to the Florida citizenry, eh comrade Nolies? *snicker, snicker*
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I would like to see proof WT's buyout is being paid by private booster funds and not by the Florida taxpayers
“If you need more money just ask us for it”??????

Didn’t think the request had to be public.

Sad situation.

I can see the Hole AD asking for donations ala Salvation Army Santa Clauses.

I'm telling you folks, this is all nonsense. Bobby Bowden is available. He has NO buyout whatsoever right now and he comes complete with his own wardrobe and already has a stack of playbooks for the offense. Seriously what is FSU screwing around with on this for? BOBBY OR BUST!!!!!
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I'm telling you folks, this is all nonsense. Bobby Bowden is available. He has NO buyout whatsoever right now and he comes complete with his own wardrobe and already has a stack of playbooks for the offense. Seriously what is FSU screwing around with on this for? BOBBY OR BUST!!!!!

He stole those playbooks.

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That's a shame if it is true. It also seems she is far more loaded than the boosters who donated WILLLLLLLLLIIIIEEEEE's buyout combined.

Shes more loaded than almost anyone. Shes a billionaire. She only donates to academics