Annnnnnnnd this is why you don't get suckered into the class warfare hoodwinking.
Dems are all about hating the rich. They got too much money, gotta take it from them, and give to the poor, they deserve it!
That works fine, as long as we are talking the United States.
@Mdfgator and all the other dems are the poor, we steal from the rich, and give to them.
Great idea!
But what happens when we move past the United States and apply this same steal from the rich and give to the poor plan?
Guess what,
@Mdfgator? Being poor in the United States still means you're a rich asshole compared to the REST OF THE WORLD.
So we open it up to a global scale, now EVERYONE in the United States is rich, we ALL get our wealth stolen, and it's redistributed to those shithole countries that Trump warned us about.
Oh oh.....before the shithole countries get it, the rich elite dems in our country and in those shithole countries get their cut. We can't have them playing by the same rules as the rest of us!
Just the tip. Isn't that what you wanted,
Sheep live to be hoodwinked.