School these days


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Oct 15, 2020

Who today,,, would actually want their kids going to the socialist dumps that public (government) schools have devolved into???? 😏 (Teacher Unions, Tenure, and Govt. control of what knowledge is disseminated)

Home school or private/church schools are the answer to having your kids vastly under-educated, propagandized, brain-washed, and indoctrinated into the evils of Socialism.

Government schools and their social programs have led to their FAILED Wars on POVERTY & DRUGS.
Still the most terrifying thing you can ever hear:
"I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you." o_O

The 1st & 2nd Amendments were put in place so the Sovereign Citizens could protect themselves from the excesses of government traitors and tyrants that always crop up whenever power is concentrated, (like now).
"Make no Laws"

Socialist-U in Gainesville is doing it's part to advance Democratic Socialism (Nazi), while killing our God given unalienable FREEDOMS, by destroying our Constitutional Republic that was established under the restrictions on government that are listed in the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights didn't give Sovereign Citizens any rights. It lists extra restriction on the government, which they have slowly, slice by slice, stolen from the dumbed-down (govt schooled) Sovereign Citizens.
WTF-UP before you are all wearing collars and chains....

Oh BTW, I won't be there in chains with you, because I'll be dead first if it comes to that....

"If you can do nothing else, you can write letters." -- Albert Pike

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