Nor does he drink.
I know I harp on that too much but damn...
Ooz, you don't have to be me (honestly, your naive liver wouldn't know what to do), but the lord gave us booze for a reason.
Let me quote the bible for you:
"And on the 6th day, God created football, and saw that it was good. Yet upon witnessing Adam's pain, The Lord God created beer, and Adam saw that it was good, and God saw that it was good. On the seventh day, they both rested. Adam looked to heaven and spake "oh Heavenly Father, you have blessed me with untold joy and happiness, all is right with the world, and well with my soul." God knew it was good, and smiled. Then, he reached his hand down to the Garden of Eden and parted Adam from one of his ribs. Upon awakening from the event, Adam looked upon a woman, Eve, first of her kind. With haste, Adam desecrated her temple, and saw that it was good. Unbeknownst to Adam, Eve was an agent of evil created by the Lord God to cast Adam and his progenies into eternal servitude. When Adam cried to the heavens, asking God why he would spite him so, the Lord have a knowing look, and bestowed upon him a wooden cask, filled with heavenly nectar, which he called bourbon. Adam at first refused, but upon harkening to Eve, Adam drank from the cask, and was Merry. It was good. And God was pleased."
-The Book of Danny 3:1-7