Sadgator, does the anarchy taking place in Seattle right now scare you? Scares the hell out of me,

Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.
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Yeah, like the riots of Ferguson, on a lie, and Baltimore in successive years were under Trump. And Obama was even black and couldn't stop it.
You are just a Trump hater and the whole world is his fault which is why you are such a freakin JOKE here.

let’s remember who control these violent city and states @bradleygator

RAT governors
RAT mayors
RAT City counsels
Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.

False.... this isn’t a federal issue unless the states ask for help, or the organized groups are designated domestic terrorists, and homeland security takes over. This has and continues to be a complete phucking meltdown of liberal mayors letting their cities get taken over
Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.
That's a funny post. You're a funny guy. I have a rhetorical question but I have to ask it anyway. Since you enjoy bashing this "incompetent" president, what serious alternative do you have?

Getting back to the last election, what do you suppose Killary would have done? Oh, oh, what did you say? Did you just say it wouldn't have ever come to this? That Killary would have solved race relations?

So, reality speaking, we have a fine president that is working hard to solve this crisis but when the media and Congress are acting against him along with may other pipeline mud throwers, I'd say he's done a tremendous job and I am looking forward to another 4 years of the best president America has ever had.
Since you enjoy bashing this "incompetent" president, what serious alternative do you have?

Literally anyone/thing would be better. This guy is a complete incompetent, he’s stupid and he’s crazy. US will be a smoking crater in the ground in another 4 years if he remains in charge. I’m not sure we’ll make it to November.
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I get that it’s not an easy reconciliation that you’ve all been blindly supporting this guy for three years and he’s demonstrably driving this country into a ditch. I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind. If you’re all too dumb/deluded not to see what’s going on, you’re beyond help.
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Literally anyone/thing would be better. This guy is a complete incompetent, he’s stupid and he’s crazy. US will be a smoking crater in the ground in another 4 years if he remains in charge. I’m not sure we’ll make it to November.
That's what I thought. You have a no answer. No one is better and your answer proves it. Will you be voting for Biden? Explain how he is better? Maybe he's better at touching little girls breasts and smelling their hair.
False.... this isn’t a federal issue unless the states ask for help, or the organized groups are designated domestic terrorists, and homeland security takes over. This has and continues to be a complete phucking meltdown of liberal mayors letting their cities get taken over

Incorrect. Trump could have led a competent federal response to the virus that could have mitigated spread and reduced the scale of the lockdowns and economic damage. Then the federal government could have Redirected the literal trillions dumped on the already wealthy and provided real financial support to the 40 million(!) put out of work by the shut downs. Or you don’t think that’s part of the equation here?
I get that it’s not an easy reconciliation that you’ve all been blindly supporting this guy for three years and he’s demonstrably driving this country into a ditch. I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind. If you’re all too dumb/deluded not to see what’s going on, you’re beyond help.
That's what I thought. You have a no answer. No one is better and your answer proves it. Will you be voting for Biden? Explain how he is better? Maybe he's better at touching little girls breasts and smelling their hair.

i said anyone is better.
the literal taking of part of a once great American city, while the mayor and governor cower in fear. I ask you this because you are for law and order. If this isn't stopped and soon, what should ANY potus do?

What makes you think the dems want to change anything? They are celebrating the destruction of America.

They cheered the lockdown, they cheered the rioters, they cheer for eliminating the police.

They want to destroy America. They are the enemy. This isn't that hard.
That's what I thought. You have a no answer. No one is better and your answer proves it. Will you be voting for Biden? Explain how he is better? Maybe he's better at touching little girls breasts and smelling their hair.

Again, you are looking at this through the lense of the democrats wanting to make America BETTER. Because that's what any sane American wants, for our beloved country to constantly improve.

Dems don't want that. They want to tear America down. Why do you think they want to get rid of the most pro-America and productive president in our lifetime, and replace him with a vegetable?

Dems hate America. They hate themselves. They hate happiness. They hate progress. They want to be a shithole 3rd world country.

They are the enemy. This isn't that hard.
Again, you are looking at this through the lense of the democrats wanting to make America BETTER. Because that's what any sane American wants, for our beloved country to constantly improve.

Dems don't want that. They want to tear America down. Why do you think they want to get rid of the most pro-America and productive president in our lifetime, and replace him with a vegetable?

Dems hate America. They hate themselves. They hate happiness. They hate progress. They want to be a shithole 3rd world country.

They are the enemy. This isn't that hard.
And why is that? It baffles me. I figured control with those in charge is a driving point but why would everyday people want America destroyed?
Literally anyone/thing would be better. This guy is a complete incompetent, he’s stupid and he’s crazy. US will be a smoking crater in the ground in another 4 years if he remains in charge. I’m not sure we’ll make it to November.[/QUOTE[/Qcouldn't
Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.
We see you couldn't answer the question and are full of solutions, when in actuality we know what you're actually full of.
And why is that? It baffles me. I figured control with those in charge is a driving point but why would everyday people want America destroyed?

Conservatives think with their heads, liberals think with their hearts.

Liberals are emotional thinkers. For the last 10 years, the media and politicians have beat them over the head with the message that America is shit, and we need to do better.

What was obama's campaign slogan? 'Change you can believe in'. What did he do as soon as he was elected? He went around the world, bending a knee before world leaders, and apologizing to them. The 'change' was that America was corrupt, and had been for centuries. We were founded by 'corrupt' white men! Our entire founding and everything since was 'corrupt'.

Critical thinkers knew this was BS, emotional thinkers like young @bradleygator and @sadgator were in awe. The left thinks that America is a country not of greatness, but one that stole everything it has from other countries and other people. So the only 'fair' solution to the libs, is for America to be completely destroyed, and rebuilt in the left's image.

This is what emotional thinkers want.

BTW this is where I have to issue a mea culpa: I didn't appreciate how truly insane the left was, till the hoax flu started. Till then, I assumed that once the left saw what the dems had been doing, and we are talking crimes so sick that no one here could imagine such, that they would open their eyes and be embarrassed to tears.

But now I know they won't be. They will just double-down and hate on Trump even more. Look at how Trump has saved millions of lives in how he has expertly handled hoax flu? They hate him even more because he did.

The dems want to see America completely destroyed. They feel this will sate their white guilt. They are useful idiots to the left.
Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.
Jesus. Yeah, Trump has NOTHING going on nationwide so he's at fault for not controlling stuff at street level in a far left city full of woke Millenials and old hippies.
You're so full of crap - you and your ilk are the real problem.
I guess it's absolutely true that you cannot fix stupid.

I doubt the leftist idiot governor or the ultra lib Seattle city council will do anything. THEY are responsible for fixing this problem - NOT the Feds.
I'm fed up. And so are millions of other Americans.
Jesus. Yeah, Trump has NOTHING going on nationwide so he's at fault for not controlling stuff at street level in a far left city full of woke Millenials and old hippies.
You're so full of crap - you and your ilk are the real problem.
I guess it's absolutely true that you cannot fix stupid.

I doubt the leftist idiot governor or the ultra lib Seattle city council will do anything. THEY are responsible for fixing this problem - NOT the Feds.
I'm fed up. And so are millions of other Americans.

The dems don't see a problem. They see ripping their cities apart as progress.

These people are not on our team. They are the enemy. We are at war with imbeciles.
Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.
You can't blame the POTUS for weak state/local Gov't. They simply try to please everyone and with that type of PC agenda you end up pleasing no one. At least if you draw the line in the sand and fight when someone crosses it you have some respect. Chaos always looks for the road of least resistance.
And why is that? It baffles me. I figured control with those in charge is a driving point but why would everyday people want America destroyed?
It was a long ride from Nashville to Memphis with a millennial. Their worldview skews very left and this guy was raised in a conservative Christian home with a parent who was a music minister and was an agnostic. Basically gubmint when in the hands of Dems had become his new god. It could fix everything if run by progressives. It was gubmint job to redistribute wealth, advance social justice and no one had a right to abdicate from the collectivist pursuits.

Corporations were almost all evil. The constitution only mattered when it promoted progressive ideals. Basically in his mind the ends justified the means and he promoted this with a very chill and laid back manner.

Almost neo-hippy or flower child in his promotion of collectivist serfdom for the greater good.

When you walk into a school in solid red state TN there are signs that state that "...violence is any WORD or action..."

IMO progressive/leftists/dems/technocrats etc took the book 1984 as a guide not as a warning. They subvert the culture and the language. One problem with the doogooder Utopians is that they unleash things that they can not control.

The goal is to get students to be nice little docile sheep by insinuating that if they say something not nice they will be punished. This is nearly impossible to enforce. But worse if a word is the same as punching someone in the face it actually waters down the reality of the physical action in the mind of the student and has the opposite effect on some students.

K-12 sees a music ministers son become an agnostic. They hate this country because it clashes with their worldview. It is that of Rousseau and Satan.

He sounds like a lot of enlightenment era philosophers. He talks about rights, property etc. But he comes to the conclusion not of individual rights but of the collective goodwill.

He trades the tyranny of the Monarchy for mobocracy. We kicked out the king. They killed theirs. As Burke, Locke, and the founders trended towards individual rights he was formulating his interpretation of enlightenment thinking into a type of socialism/collectivism.

For him morality is/was determined by the vote.
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It was a long ride from Nashville to Memphis with a millennial. Their worldview skews very left and this guy was raised in a conservative Christian home with a parent who was a music minister and was an agnostic. Basically gubmint when in the hands of Dems had become his new god. It could fix everything if run by progressives. It was gubmint job to redistribute wealth, advance social justice and no one had a right to abdicate from the collectivist pursuits.

Corporations were almost all evil. The constitution only mattered when it promoted progressive ideals. Basically in his mind the ends justified the means and he promoted this with a very chill and laid back manner.

Almost neo-hippy or flower child in his promotion of collectivist serfdom for the greater good.

When you walk into a school in solid red state TN there are signs that state that "...violence is any WORD or action..."

IMO progressive/leftists/dems/technocrats etc took the book 1984 as a guide not as a warning. They subvert the culture and the language. One problem with the doogooder Utopians is that they unleash things that they can not control.

The goal is to get students to be nice little docile sheep by insinuating that if they say something not nice they will be punished. This is nearly impossible to enforce. But worse if a word is the same as punching someone in the face it actually waters down the reality of the physical action in the mind of the student and has the opposite effect on some students.

K-12 sees a music ministers son become an agnostic. They hate this country because it clashes with their worldview. It is that of Rousseau and Satan.

He sounds like a lot of enlightenment era philosophers. He talks about rights, property etc. But he comes to the conclusion not of individual rights but of the collective goodwill.

He trades the tyranny of the Monarchy for mobocracy. We kicked out the king. They killed theirs. As Burke, Licke, and the founders trended towards individual rights he was formulating his interpretation of enlightenment thinking into a type of socialism/collectivism.

For him morality is/was determined by the vote.
Thanks for the extensive explanation. It seems to boil down to a simple process. Whether one believes it or not doesn't make it unreal: It's a matter of good vs evil.
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Conservatives think with their heads, liberals think with their hearts.

Liberals are emotional thinkers. For the last 10 years, the media and politicians have beat them over the head with the message that America is shit, and we need to do better.

What was obama's campaign slogan? 'Change you can believe in'. What did he do as soon as he was elected? He went around the world, bending a knee before world leaders, and apologizing to them. The 'change' was that America was corrupt, and had been for centuries. We were founded by 'corrupt' white men! Our entire founding and everything since was 'corrupt'.

Critical thinkers knew this was BS, emotional thinkers like young @bradleygator and @sadgator were in awe. The left thinks that America is a country not of greatness, but one that stole everything it has from other countries and other people. So the only 'fair' solution to the libs, is for America to be completely destroyed, and rebuilt in the left's image.

This is what emotional thinkers want.

BTW this is where I have to issue a mea culpa: I didn't appreciate how truly insane the left was, till the hoax flu started. Till then, I assumed that once the left saw what the dems had been doing, and we are talking crimes so sick that no one here could imagine such, that they would open their eyes and be embarrassed to tears.

But now I know they won't be. They will just double-down and hate on Trump even more. Look at how Trump has saved millions of lives in how he has expertly handled hoax flu? They hate him even more because he did.

The dems want to see America completely destroyed. They feel this will sate their white guilt. They are useful idiots to the left.
Nice write-up my other-self. lol. How @bradleygator can think I'm you and you're me is idiocy.
It was a long ride from Nashville to Memphis with a millennial. Their worldview skews very left and this guy was raised in a conservative Christian home with a parent who was a music minister and was an agnostic. Basically gubmint when in the hands of Dems had become his new god. It could fix everything if run by progressives. It was gubmint job to redistribute wealth, advance social justice and no one had a right to abdicate from the collectivist pursuits.

Corporations were almost all evil. The constitution only mattered when it promoted progressive ideals. Basically in his mind the ends justified the means and he promoted this with a very chill and laid back manner.

Almost neo-hippy or flower child in his promotion of collectivist serfdom for the greater good.

When you walk into a school in solid red state TN there are signs that state that "...violence is any WORD or action..."

IMO progressive/leftists/dems/technocrats etc took the book 1984 as a guide not as a warning. They subvert the culture and the language. One problem with the doogooder Utopians is that they unleash things that they can not control.

The goal is to get students to be nice little docile sheep by insinuating that if they say something not nice they will be punished. This is nearly impossible to enforce. But worse if a word is the same as punching someone in the face it actually waters down the reality of the physical action in the mind of the student and has the opposite effect on some students.

K-12 sees a music ministers son become an agnostic. They hate this country because it clashes with their worldview. It is that of Rousseau and Satan.

He sounds like a lot of enlightenment era philosophers. He talks about rights, property etc. But he comes to the conclusion not of individual rights but of the collective goodwill.

He trades the tyranny of the Monarchy for mobocracy. We kicked out the king. They killed theirs. As Burke, Locke, and the founders trended towards individual rights he was formulating his interpretation of enlightenment thinking into a type of socialism/collectivism.

For him morality is/was determined by the vote.
Progressive politics has become a rebellion to overthrow law&Order. I can't see it any other way because I'm not owed anything and never thought I was.
I just talked to my cousin who lives in Seattle and he said it’s just a bunch of people smoking weed on the streets and if it scares you, you’re a big pussy.
Any competent POTUS would have taken steps beforehand to try to control conditions before it got to riots in the street. IE: a competent test and trace program in place, so that across the board lockdowns weren’t necessary, like every other country in the world has done; and then providing real financial assistance to those put out of work, again like every competent country in the world has done; and then responding with actual concern when the protests started instead of hiding in his bunker and tweeting out threats.

Like everything this incompetent does, the reaction is completely reactionary, a day late and a dollar short. So now, having led us into basically a dead end position, he can start agitating to send the military to American cities, which is the biggest Political winner among his base anyway.

No matter how incompetently he manages the virus or the economy, he’s betting sending the military in to wail on brown people and democrats will be sufficient to get your vote.

So, in short, no matter what was Trump's fault. No offense sir but you are not very smart.

I didn't much care for Obama and he made some moves that I really didn't like but he never owned me like Trump clearly owns you. Seek help.
Nice write-up my other-self. lol. How @bradleygator can think I'm you and you're me is idiocy.

What happened in this thread?

The OP asked dems to defend their logic.

We have a saying around here, @bradleygator can repeat the talking points, but he can't defend them.

OP asked him to defend them. He cannot. He has a two-step process for replying:

1 - Attack Trump
2 - Anyone that replies, attack the poster

Notice he doesn't have the mental facilities to intelligently debate this or any topic here.

Shockingly, he cannot wait to vote for Joe Biden.