This is why if Trump wins re-election I want Thomas (my favorite) to retire and have a Lee brother or some other YOUNG uber conservative put on the bench ...we need a 7-2 0r better conservative SCOTUS with people willing to overturn Roe, zer0Care and Ogberfell on the bench. It will take 30 years to unravel the unconstitutional mess started under FDR. In the end the courts need to be put back in the box the founders intended it to be can not legislate and does not have a police can opine. The first thing that needs to be done is to slap down these DISTRICT judges who issue national injunctions...district has a meaning and it is not national. Lastly I hope that the pro-life Catholic lady is tapped for Buzzy's seat and yes turning off the circus uhm cameras may go a long way in muting the leftards in the Senate and their ever increasing antics at Borking real judges.
FDR didn't give us the train wreck that was the SCOTUS,That was done by Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush-1 & Bush II
All those Republicans choosing hard core left wing Marxists and turncoats because RINOs told them to in order to get democrat to vote for their conformation.
Earl Warren
Potter Stewart
Charles Evans Whittaker, a weak, spineless vacillator who voted which ever the way the wind blew.
William Brennan Jr
The ONLY Conservative he put on the court was John Marshall Harlan.
JFK ( who would be a Republican today) Picked a liberal Judge -Byron White who upon arrival saw how badly the deck was stacked and developed a staunch Conservative approach to the Constitution.
Warren Burger
The dispicable Harry Blackmon
Lewis Powell Jr
And the one True American Conservative among them William Rehnquist
The despicable John Paul Stevens who voted strict left except against Flag desecration.
Sandy O'Connor who began moderate but moved hard left as she sought to cement her "Legacy"
The guy who was allowed to sit in Robert Bork's seat and give us queer Marriage -Anthony Kennedy
Anthonin Scalia -A breath of Fresh Air
and he elevated Rehnquist to Chief Justice
Bush Sr
The utterly horrible David Souter
The Black Knight Clarence Thomas
Bush II
Back Stabbing John Roberts
Samuel Alito
17 SCOTUS Picks by Republicans and we should be ruling the land. But 12 were hard leftists or could be blackmailed.
Only 5 worthy Men out of 17
This is why the court is so F'D up.
Trump's two picks haven't been there long enough to become established. So we shall see,.