Rummy dead at 88...Andy Card remembers the late SecDef

If anyone would like to compare the headlines of Rumsfeld’s death and Fidel Castro’s it’s truly breathtaking how much respect is given to someone like Castro while Rumsfeld is drug around the city walls. And people get upset at calling the press the enemy of the American people LOL
I did not always agree with his decisions as SecDef but he did his job with as he put it the tools given him.

Donald Rumsfeld was like that friend at the bar that would get you into a fight and then hold your coat while you fight
If anyone would like to compare the headlines of Rumsfeld’s death and Fidel Castro’s it’s truly breathtaking how much respect is given to someone like Castro while Rumsfeld is drug around the city walls. And people get upset at calling the press the enemy of the American people LOL

Excellent point.

If you never had the opportunity to meet a Cuban who lived in Cuba under Castro, I guess I could understand why this wouldn't bother you.

I knew several including my childhood friends mother and grandmother. Castro was a monster...but he provided free healthcare so that fact alone makes up for his other behavior? Haha...ok.
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Excellent point.

If you ever had the opportunity to meet a Cuban who lived in Cuba under Castro, I guess I could understand why this wouldn't bother you.

I knew several including my childhood friends mother and grandmother. Castro was a monster...but he provided free healthcare so that fact alone makes up for his other behavior? Haha...ok.
My favorite were the dipshits touting Cuba’s literacy rate as a defense of Castro LOL