Newsmax is just dumb.
Using the 25th Amendment to take Trump out of office isn't impeachment.
If the Dems do go to an impeachment, the goal isn't to remove him from office but to make him ineligible to run for office ever again.
I will say that Pelosi saying we need to take the Nuclear Codes away from him is grandstanding. He can't shoot the nukes by himself.
But most importantly, social media doesn't equate to free speech. There is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees the right to tweet. No rights have been infringed upon.
You know, I remember back about 10 years ago, there was a big debate because faith based companies didn't want to provide contraception under their health plans, even though the company itself wasn't doing the providing, and Republicans were up in arms that a company should be able to be run according to it's morality. But today, here we are, and suddenly, according to those same Republicans, companies shouldn't have the right to run their companies according to their own code of ethics anymore, because, like always, Republicans believe everybody has the right to think how they like, as long as it's the way Republicans tell them to.
Really getting tired of you sanctimonious bastards.